Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Random Stuff #35

Today I went to the flea market to get a bunch of cards. I got three Number 17: Leviathan Dragon tins and two Wind-Up Zenmaister tins after selling my Solemn Warnings. People might not know this yet, but it seems as though Solemn Warning will be in the Wave 2 tins. Even if they aren't, I wasn't planning on using them this format.

Besides those tins, some sleeves, and WoW cards, I made a list of Yu-Gi-Oh cards that I planned on picking up. I was able to get the three Goblin Zombies, a second Duel Terminal X-Saber Pashuul, a third Gold Rare Mystical Space Typhoon, and another Super Rare Call of the Haunted for my Zombie deck. I was also able to get a Steelswarm Roach at a decent price.

Aside from a few random Gem-Knight cards that I also picked up, the rest of the stuff was for Aki's deck. Three A Hero Lives and a Gladiator Beast Essedarii. I decided to pick up a box of Gold Series 4 in an attempt to get Black Luster Soldier, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, and Doomcaliber Knight. I got the BLS and the Doomcaliber, but not the Gyzarus; not that that's bad, it's just odd.

After opening the Gold Series 4 box, I opened the tins. Nothing good from the packs. The Hidden Arsenal 4 packs were absolute garbage, Storm of Ragnarok was pretty horrible, and Extreme Victory was mediocre. Eh, the promo cards in the tins paid for the tins themselves, so whatever.

Either way, I was happy that I could get the cards for my Zombie deck and also the Steelswarm Roach. So, however I decide to make the deck, I'll have the cards for it.

The problem is trying to figure out how to make it. The T.G. engine is at least six cards, and the Zombie engine is at least seven cards. Add Reborn Tengus, Effect Veilers, Gorz, Caius, and X-Saber Pashuuls, and that's already 22 Monsters. I wanted to fit in another Caius, another Effect Veiler, another T.G. Warwolf, and Mystic Tomatoes, but there's just no room.

I even dropped Allure of Darkness, Foolish Burial, and other such Spells to make room. Not only is the Main Deck packed, but the Extra Deck is as well. I'm stuck on 17 cards, and I can't figure out what to drop:

Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Scrap Dragon
Colossal Fighter
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
Revived King Ha Des
Doomkaiser Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Flamvell Uruquizas
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Wonder Magician
Number 39: Utopia
Steelswarm Roach
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu

The first most likely candidate is Gachi Gachi Gantetsu. I can summon it easily thanks to Reinforce Truth and T.G. Striker, but I don't know if I'd ever want to.

I'm thinking about dropping Flamvell Uruquizas, but I like the piercing and the generic requirements. More often than not, I'd be using a Warrior Tuner for a Synchro, so I won't have access to the Zombie Synchros. Speaking of which, I'd want to drop one of them.

Ha Des can be really good against decks that use cards like Reborn Tengu or other floaters, but those decks are few and far in between now. The only deck I can think of that would use floaters consistently is Zombies, but I could be using Doomkaiser Dragon to steal their Plaguespreader Zombie. Same against Lightsworn/Twilight. Neither does anything against Agent Fairies, so yeah...

Either way, I'll have to figure something out by Saturday, since that's going to be the first tournament of the format that I'll be going to. So yeah...


  1. Revived King Ha Des
    Stardust Dragon
    Gachi Gachi Gantetsu

    I would drop these three. Rivived is situational, Stardust or colossal, but stardust is easy to run over or crash into. Gachi is not worth you stuff.

  2. take out: collosal figher out and perhaps gachi gachi
    monsters are ok already, if you play spore then add tomato
    doomcali + BLS in GS4 = FTW!

  3. @blackwingEX

    Colossal Fighter is necessary next format because of Lightsworn. In fact, I'm adamant on keeping all of the Level 7 and higher Monsters in the Extra Deck.

    I don't have room for any Plants. The first ones I would play are Mystic Tomatoes, and there's no room for those.

    Yeah, the box of Gold Series 4 basically paid for itself. I just don't know what to do with the play mats that come with it, though...

  4. i still feel urquizas is the weakest link. revived king over doomkaiser imo

  5. @LFN

    Yeah, Uruquizas is kind of meh.

    With all of the revival, Doomkaiser can make instant Level 8's or allow me to drop two Synchros at once.

    Ha Des will be instrumental in beating the mirror match and also Plants, but it seems somewhat useless against Lightsworn and Agents.

  6. Leviair the Sea Dragon is great but I think you don't have enough lv3 monster to summon it. Only warewulf and Sangan I guess. Even if you can, it won't happen often.

    I'm not saying you should put leviair out, I just saying you need more lv3 monsters. Maybe a TourGuid...*Cof* *Cof* I mean... A Card trooper.

  7. If it's Doomkaiser versus Ha Des, I would say Ha Des to be kept; even if there are fewer floater-focused decks, I've known several decks to use Reborn Tengu, at the least. Perhaps not Tier 1, but...

    Whereas I honestly can't think of a Zombie that's used in very many non-Zombie decks; this makes Doomkaiser's usefulness much more dubious. Even if, admittedly, he's pretty nifty in the mirror.

  8. yeah definitely take out the urquizas and roach your really gonna need that wind up zeinmeister thing in zombies it's a game winner imo 2500 beatstick tha's a tsukuyomi and could detach goblin zombie rite on the spot

  9. @Yugilo

    Your comment didn't show up right away for some reason. Either way, I'm definitely keeping Stardust Dragon. A Stardust Dragon backed up with a couple Traps is really difficult to get through without Giant Trunade.

    @Eh Chavo

    Yeah, Leviair is pretty hard to summon, but it can help quite a bit. I might drop it, but if I do, I'd have no way to get back my removed Plaguespreader Zombie.

    @Allan Assiduity

    Plaguespreader Zombie is used in all Lightsworn builds, which are bound to be popular at the start of the format. If it weren't for them, I'd be using Ha Des over Doomkaiser without question.


    Roach is absolutely necessary against Lightsworn and Agents. They often can't get over 1900 ATK without Special Summons.

    I like Zenmaister for some irrational reason (probably because the Japanese name is both cool and clever), but it only flips down your own Monsters. If it worked on your opponent's Monsters, it would replace Utopia.

  10. TG Engine 6 cards? I'd think about cutting that down.. Striker is the main reason you want it I think.

    I think we are all gonna have different opinions on the Extra deck, but for my one, add Naturia Barkion and try and sneak your 18 card extra deck past the judges.

  11. @Kamatari

    Three Strikers, two Warwolf, and Rush Rhino. I'd like to be able to search if need be, and Warwolf gives access to Wonder Magician, which is amazing. Rush Rhino is also too good to pass up, letting me run over a Reborn Tengu or something and then letting me search later.

    I dropped Naturia Barkion because I would not be able to summon it very often and also because next format won't be very Trap-heavy.

  12. hell yeah!!!!!!! the xyz ruling its the same as OCG


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