Tuesday, August 16, 2011

September 2011 Ban List


What is this. I don't even.

The fact that I used a stupid Internet meme despite the fact that I don't care for them shows how friggin' horrible this list is.

The only part of the list I can approve of is the newly banned cards. Three of the cards I wanted to get banned are on there, plus a card I didn't care for either way (Royal Oppression).

Plants got hit enough from the OCG side with Lonefire Blossom, Formula Synchron, and Pot of Avarice getting Limited. Something still needs to be done with the TCG-exclusives, Reborn Tengu and Tour Guide...

Six Samurai got hit a bit. They lost the ability to Extra Deck more than one Shi En, but, more importantly, they lost two Smoke Signals. Not to get too much into it now, but Heavy Storm coming back helped them a lot more than it hurt them, so they didn't lose that much power/consistency. Basically, they can afford to go second, now.

Lightsworn/Twilight got a huge boost. Judgment Dragon went the wrong way on the ban list; it should've gotten closer to being banned instead of getting farther from it... Also, friggin' Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning has been released into the game once more. I didn't play competitively back then, but seeing as how it's a more broken Chaos Sorcerer that you can get back with Beckoning Light... Yeah, it's broken.

But wait! We have Light-Imprisoning Mirror to completely shut down Lightsworn, like we had a couple years ago! Right? Wrong. Konami found a way to anger both the pro-Stormers and the anti-Stormers.

Anti-Stormers hate that Heavy Storm is back. Pro-Stormers hate that Mystical Space Typhoon is Unlimited while Heavy Storm is around. Everyone loses.

Now, any hope of stopping huge swarms is stopped by an enormous amount of back row clearing cards. Set one? Get destroyed by MST. Set two? Get wrecked by Heavy Storm (or even two MST's). Our only hope? Starlight Road! No, just kidding; that card is really situational.

Besides the Forbidden section, there's only two things that I like about this new list. My selfish wish of having Necro Gardna being playable again is fulfilled. And now, we won't have to worry about going up against Stun decks, since Heavy Storm and three MST's wreck them. But, Stun decks are easy to beat, so that's bittersweet...

So, my main worry is that Lightsworn will be crazily powerful with this new list. Back rows will be unreliable, so we're being pushed even more to use Monster Effects. Hopefully my fears will not be realized and Lightsworn will be crazily inconsistent instead of crazily powerful... Regardless, that doesn't stop bad players from picking up the deck, beating players who are better than them, and then scrubbing out.

All in all, this list is horrible.


  1. dude i'm sorry to say that i've taken the twilight deck to locals an hour ago and i wrecked with it i played with fiends and it wrecked and i didn't even main the ebckonings lol you do not need 3 msts or even 2 cuz you got lyls tricky tricky lyla i only ran a decree and dustshoot for traps and even though inconsistent it really did some damage and i mained tourguides dark armed gorz and double trag and ofcourse necro gardna i love tjis list makes twilight tier 0 broke with all it's power

  2. I really don't think the list is bad actually, in spite of what was unrestricted like JD and BLS, even with some of the WTF decisions, the decks that needed to be hit were hit aside from agents. I might just be optimistic but I am actually happy with this list, for the most part.

  3. What do you think about the fate of Scraps in this format?

    Better, worse, or about the same?

  4. Why do you people never realize....?

    Heavy Storm IS unhealthy for the game!

    The skill is when you bypass obstacles through hard work and thought not when you have no obstacles!

    Besides, there are lots of backrow destruction out there other than Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon: Malevolent Catastrophe, Dust Tornado, Xing Zhen Hu, Chain Whirlwind, etc.

    When Heavy Storm left the game, a lot of decks became viable!

    Yes, the game was retarded but there was some variety!(at least in small tournaments)

    Now we will have both a retarded format AND no variety at all!

  5. @DuelistWithoutaName

    Overall, worse. Scraps aren't really fast enough to deal with Lightsworn. If the Scrap player gets a good opening and Lightsworn player doesn't, then the Scrap player wins. But, when the Lightsworn player opens well, they auto-win.


    I was going to do a "Pros and Cons of Heavy Storm" post, but with the new ban list being all crazy and such, I don't think there's a point.

    Think of it from the other perspective. There is no skill in being able to put up obstacles without limit. Heavy Storm didn't eliminate obstacles altogether, it just put a limit on the amount you could have up at one time.

    If you look at it now, going first isn't such a big advantage anymore, since both players can effectively play out their turns evenly. No four/five back rows to push through in order to make a play, just one or two.

    At any rate, I don't care. The worst-case scenario in my mind was "Giant Trunade banned, Warning Limited, MST left at 2, Heavy left banned". I would just adapt and move on; it wouldn't be much different than it would be now. But, I obviously underestimated Konami's ability to destroy the game with a single ban list...

  6. Well as bad as BLS and JD are for coming back, this list is VERY much tuned for the new ignition effect ruling.

    If we don't get the ruling change, but receive the same banlist, that would be really stupid.

  7. how is heavy storm bad for the game trunade should've stayed and mst to 1 heavy storm when mst was at 1 was just another mst that could make pluses {2-3}


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