Sunday, April 24, 2011

Random Stuff #28

I forgot to mention in my tournament report that I bought a box of Duelist Pack: Yusei 3. I pulled two Effect Veilers, which was what I expected. I also got a bunch of Starlight Roads and Cards of Consonance. I personally would use the Rare Starlight Road over the Secret Rare one, since the Secret Rare one bends and basically says, "Hey, I'm a Starlight Road. Don't use Black Rose Dragon or I'll slap you in the face."

Also, Aki and I were supposed to make videos yesterday or today. But, that didn't happen, so no videos this week. I'll definitely get some videos at the Extreme Victory Sneak Preview, though.

So, I spent that time that was allocated to making videos playing the Duel Transer video game that I wasted my money on to get the Closed Forests. The game actually isn't that bad...

Your deck starts as complete garbage, but it gets better fast. You can turn it into a fairly decent Synchro beatdown deck right after you finish the first stage, which is what I did. And, the duels go by pretty quickly as well. That's basically because half of your opponents' decks are random, incoherent garbage cards, so summoning a Synchro Monster or two will win you the game over a few turns.

So, I've been using this primitive Synchro deck with Marauding Captain, Junk Synchron, and an Emergency Teleport engine. It works okay, since the first Synchros you can get are Gaia Knight, Magical Android, Junk Warrior, and Junk Destroyer. And, after a couple hours, I had a 15-card Extra Deck with Synchros that I could actually summon.

If I continue with the game, then I plan to make my Scrap Worms deck in the game. It's fairly convenient, because Duelist Revolution and Hidden Arsenal 3 are supposedly unlocked in the same stage. So, when I get there, I can just make my Scrap Worms deck from those two packs, assuming I have enough DP.

So yeah, that's how I wasted my time today.

I also looked into a Scrap variant with the Reborn Tengu engine yesterday. It seems as though it could work. I'm a little skeptical, but I'm going to try it, since using Reborn Tengu instead of Worms frees up two card slots. And, with Reborn Tengu functioning as an almost automatic (Solemn Warning can hurt) plus-2, I can make the deck a little faster, since that sheer advantage helps against Stun decks.

The added speed should help against Chaos Plants/Junk Doppel, but I'm not sure what will happen with Hyper Librarian's release. The fact that Heroes can swarm on the first turn is what is making me want to play Debris Heroes if the format gets too crazy. But, I guess we'll have to wait and see.


  1. Why don't you do any metagame posts anymore? :(

  2. @Anonymous

    What do you mean?

    Do you mean just posting strategies on how to beat the top decks? There's so many competitive decks now, that I wouldn't know where to start. If you have a request, I'd be happy to post on that.

  3. Well, it would be nice if you did overviews of the metagame, or looked at the OCG meta, or made comparisons from TCg to OCG, etc. Just more stuff about the gamestate in general. I understand if you don't want to post much anymore.


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