Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hyper Librarian needs to slow down...

So, up until now, the format has been pretty slow. The only notable exception was Six Samurai, and that case only applies when they open with Gateway of the Six or Double-Edged Sword Technique. But, that was still manageable; pulling out a first turn Shi En didn't guarantee a victory.

Unfortunately, this won't last. When T.G. Hyper Librarian gets here, Junk Doppel and Fish FTK will become top tier decks. And, if you haven't seen, they're quite fast... If these decks get out of hand, then the format could speed up quite a bit.

Hyper Librarian essentially allows the player who summons it to win in one (or both) of two ways. The more obvious one, shown by the example videos, is by swarming for an OTK/FTK. Fortunately, it's more difficult to pull off a Shooting Quasar OTK in the TCG (just a little more difficult) [/sarcasm...].

The other way is to give the controller such an obscene amount of advantage that the opponent has no hope of catching up. It's pretty hard to win against someone who has Hyper Librarian and six cards in hand after he just dropped Trishula on you.

There are a few ways to combat this, though.

The one that everyone's already thought of is Effect Veiler. Obviously, it negates Hyper Librarian's effect so that your opponent can't continue drawing to fuel their combos. Or, against Fish FTK, you use Effect Veiler on their Armory Arm or Dewloren, if they're not smart enough to dodge it (thanks to Michael Bonacini for making such awesome videos).

Another way, and a better way, in my opinion, is Maxx "C". It's sad that it can't be used in the OCG, but Maxx "C" is going to be an amazing card for countering the meta in the TCG. The reason why is that one of two things happen when you drop Maxx "C" in response to a combo.

If your opponent doesn't want to let you draw a mess load of cards, they'll stop as soon as they can. This is good for you because you got at least a one-for-one with Maxx "C", and you won't die that turn.

If they think that they can kill you that turn, they probably would continue. However, they might just be letting you draw into the card you need to stop their OTK, whether that be Effect Veiler or Battle Fader.

When I brought this up in the Fish FTK match-up, people said that they would just loop Synchros to deck you out. The point of Maxx "C" in this case is to let you draw as many cards as you want:

"I'm gonna drop Maxx 'C'."

"That's fine, I'll just deck you out."

"Okay, continue. I'll let you know when I draw my three Effect Veilers."

By that time, you also have your Dark Hole and whatever cards you need to break up their field, provided you live.

However, I don't know Fish FTK well enough to say that this would happen for sure. There may be some way to dodge multiple Effect Veilers and D.D. Crows during the set-up of the loop. I'm not completely sure. That's something I need to look into.

So, the moral of the story is: The Librarian format is going to be terrible.


  1. this format will be specially good for those who won the roll dice.

  2. D.D. crow will be nice to have. And Maxx "C" is even better in the JunkDoppel Matchup (I expect). They are stuck with a field of Junk Synchron+1star tuner/doppel warrior. Not fun.
    BTW - I am the same Anon as before, and i like this post. :D

  3. LOL i think the culprit is Reborn Tengu.

    Cos in the OCG, hyper librarian, isnt that generic, and only some decks can exploit it to the fullest.

    But of course, Junk Doppel + Tengu = godly la.

    no kidding.


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