Friday, April 29, 2011

Extreme Victory

So, all of the rarities have been found out, finally.

The Ultra Rares were expected. I guess I'll try and pick up an E-Hero Neos Knight.

Secret Rares are kinda the same. I'll try for a Scrap Orthros, since it's significantly better than Mind Reader and Breaker. Better to the point that it's playable, at least. I'll see how well it works, since it can be searched with Scrapyard, so I'm excited for that.

I want to get a play-set of Super Rare Reborn Tengus to go along with the Ultra Rare play-set I'm planning on getting. I don't think it'll be so easy, but I can try. I won't be all disappointed if I can't get them, though.

I had been looking into the T.G. stuff, but then I saw that it fails without Hyper Librarian. So, I'll probably just pick up the Halberd Cannon and Blade Blaster, since they're okay by themselves.

The Psychic stuff is where I want to focus. I'm envisioning a Psychic beatdown deck that gets pluses off of the remove from play shenanigans that the new Psychic cards pull off. Too bad that Silent Psychic Wizard is a Super Rare and Hushed Psychic Cleric is a Rare... I also need to get an Overmind Archfiend, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Unfortunately, though, Psychic Feel Zone is another Rare, so I'll have to go through the trouble of finding those...

I guess that Debunk and Safe Zone are worth mentioning. They're both Super Rare, so I don't think I'll be able to get them that easily. They both seem like fairly decent cards, with Debunk being an equivalent of Chivalry.

Oh, and also Tour Guide From the Underworld, I need to get three of those before the end of May. I don't want to have to get them after Exceeds are released in the TCG, since their prices will go up.

So yeah, I'm just trying to pick up a bunch of cards, so it probably won't be feasible that I'm able to get them. I'll just buy a bunch of packs to get the Tengus as promos and see what I pull.


  1. Aww I was going to write about EXVC today lol. I'm with you on Psychics, I'm glad they won't be that hard to collect.

  2. @Michael Bonacini

    It's not like you can't write on it anymore, LOL. I'm sure we're not going to be collecting the same things.

    The Psychics wouldn't be too hard to collect normally, but at a Sneak Preview when other people are also looking to get them, and with the raised prices... well, let's just say I'm not getting my hopes up. The main goal is the Reborn Tengus, Scrap Orthros, and maybe Neos Knight.

  3. I was kidding :P yeah, I'm going to try to get atleast 9 Tengus


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