Friday, July 1, 2011

Tournament Report 7/1/11

I was able to go to a tournament at the smaller card shop today. Of course, I took my Scrap Worms.

However, I was able to get in some test duels with the new T.G./Genex deck I had been working on. It did okay against Agent Fairies and X-Sabers. I'm still working on it, of course.

There were only twelve players there today, and the majority of them were newbs...

Round 1: vs Newbie Gladiator Beasts

He kept complaining that I wouldn't attack into his Magic Cylinders or Dimensional Prisons... Of course, I just waited and picked off his back rows one at a time with Scrap Dragon, and when he ran out, I went for game.

Round 2: vs Lightsworn

-Duel 1: I opened with Worm Yagan and a Set Dimensional Prison. That banished his Ehren so I wouldn't have to deal with it. Next turn, I went for Scrap Dragon, and the turn after that, I made a Stardust Dragon, thanks to Call of the Haunted. They were backed by a Solemn Warning and Forbidden Chalice, so there wasn't anything he could do.
-Duel 2: I pulled off the same set-up with Stardust Dragon and Scrap Dragon, this time with the help of Scrap Chimera. Stardust Dragon died to Gale, though, since I didn't want to waste my Set Solemn Warning on it. From there, I basically ran him through with Scrap Dragon.

Round 3: vs X-Sabers

This was my Round 2 opponent from this tournament. By the way, we agreed to a split.

-Duel 1: I wasted all of his Traps and was able to kill him with Scrap Twin Dragon.
-Duel 2: He OTK'd me with Cyber Dragon, two XX-Saber Boggart Knights, and a Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo.
-Duel 3: A few turns into the duel, he had Rai-Oh and a back row. I Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, which he let through. I Normal Summoned Scrap Chimera to revive Scrap Beast. I then Synchro Summoned Scrap Dragon, which he negated with Rai-Oh. That let me revive Scrap Goblin, which I tuned to my Cyber Dragon for another Scrap Dragon. I Set a Solemn Warning and destroyed it an his last back row, then attacked. I was sitting safe behind a Scrap Dragon, two Set back rows (Solemn Warning and Forbidden Chalice) with a Scrap Chimera and Mind Control in hand. He had no Traps, so he just Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and Set XX-Saber Emmersblade. I summoned Scrap Chimera to revive Scrap Goblin. I tried to destroy the Chimera to destroy the Set Emmersblade, but he negated it with Effect Veiler. So, I used Mind Control to take his Cyber Dragon to Synchro Summon another Scrap Dragon and go through with my plan. He didn't have Gorz, so I was able to go for game that turn.

Round 4: vs Machina Geartown

This guy's deck was kind of, uh, inconsistent. I think that he made it this far because he was paired against newbs in the last three rounds.

In both duels, I just saved my Cyber Dragon so that I could fuse for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon when I could get rid of the most Machina Fortresses. In the second game, I could play a little more recklessly, since I actually drew my Scrap Chimeras (all three of them throughout the course of the game, actually).

So, I went undefeated and got 1st place. I won five Turbo Pack 5's in addition to the one I got for entering. My Round 3 opponent got 2nd place, so he won three. So, for the split we agreed to, I let him take one of my Turbo Packs, we we each ended up with five total. I pulled two Puppet Plants, a Zoma the Spirit, a Wulf, and the Super Rare Laquari. I'll probably trade it or something. A notable Common was Black Salvo; I finally pulled one.

So yeah, I'm probably going to go to another tournament at the usual card shop on Sunday.

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