Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rotom Cards and Zombie Synchro

I bought five Rotom cards today! I bought four of them for a deck, and one just because it looks awesome.

So yeah. I also tried out Zombie Synchro.

It worked well enough, but I don't think that I've played it enough to get the hang of it. I'm usually able to play any deck, but Zombie Synchro is kind of weird, to me, anyways.

I suppose that the deck is too different from my usual play style. I like to control the game and gain advantage. Zombie Synchro just sits there and waits, and waits, and waits, until it draws into its OTK.

There's nothing wrong with Zombie Synchro, I just don't like it. Fortunately, it's also not as fast as I thought it was. I won't have to worry as much when I play against it, now.

It gives me an idea for two decks. The first is a Zombie deck that uses a bunch of 1-for-1 cards to gain advantage, while gaining free cards from Mezuki and Goblin Zombie. The second is a Junk and Debris deck that stops OTK's with Gorz/Tragoedia, then punishes the overextension with Black Rose Dragon. It seems like it could work against Zombie Synchro...

Random note: Aki and I are going to the Stardust Overdrive Sneak Preview tomorrow. Riku and one of his friends are also going. I'm planning on taking videos after we get back, so expect to see new videos starting Monday.

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