Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anti-Spell Fragrance in J&D and the PokeWalker

It seemed like a good idea, in theory. So far, it doesn't seem to be going that well.

I just threw three Anti-Spell Fragrances, three Breakers, and three Dust Tornadoes into my Dark Reverse Junk and Debris build, and it hasn't done that well, so far.

I like the Dust Tornadoes, since I like Dust Tornado, but the Anti-Spell Fragrances aren't very useful and Breaker is only somewhat useful. I suppose that using Breaker gives access to Arcanite Magician, but it hasn't been that helpful.

In my experience, Junk and Debris needs to have a relatively high Monster count (at least half of the deck), and the Anti-Spell Fragrances took away from that. Maybe Anti-Spell Fragrance needs its own deck, but I don't like that idea, either...

In other news, the PokeWalker is awesome! It's so cool how you can get free items with the Dowsing function, and even catch Pokemon in a simplistic battle system. The first (and so far only) Pokemon I caught was a Nidoran (female).

I put a Rotom that I bred but never used into the PokeWalker for two reasons. The first is that Rotom is my favorite Pokemon. The second is that Rotom is an Electric/Ghost that possesses electronics, so I can say that a Rotom infected my PokeWalker, or something to that effect.

I don't quite get how the EXP gain works, as my Rotom only gained one level after one day. Maybe it's based on days as opposed to amount of steps? I mean, how many steps can 8 EXP take?

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