Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Scrap Mind Reader

It's decent, but it's not all that great. So, it's not surprising that all of the people who don't play Scraps are hyping it up.

The most referenced combo is the one that ends with Scrap Chimera in hand plus a draw from Formula Synchron. You're supposed to have a Scrap Tuner on the field to destroy with Scrap Mind Reader, allowing you to revive it and Scrap Searcher. You would use the Scrap Tuner's effect to get Scrap Chimera back to your hand, then Synchro Summon Formula Synchron.

That requires a completely filled Graveyard, with Scrap Mind Reader, Scrap Searcher, and Scrap Chimera. Having a Scrap Tuner in hand or on the field isn't very hard, so I'm excluding that. But setting up the Graveyard without wasting a bunch of Normal Summons or drawing into the cards you want in the Graveyard is hard. Sure, Scraps have Scrapstorm, but you normally don't put Scrap Searcher or Scrap Mind Reader in the Graveyard with it. It also requires a Scrap to throw away.

Honestly, if you're lucky enough to be able to fill your Graveyard that quickly, just play Flamvells. You'd get more Synchros out of one Rekindling.

The second argument for why Scrap Mind Reader is good is that it's Level 1, so you can pair it with Scrap Golem. Yeah, you can revive it with Scrap Golem's effect and go for a generic Level 6 Synchro or Naturia Barkion, but wouldn't you rather have a Scrap (Twin) Dragon? When that Scrap Dragon is destroyed, you get to revive Scrap Golem and start the whole thing again. Scrap Synchros are the top priority in a Scrap deck, so you don't want to break your loop just for a Goyo Guardian or Brionac. Besides, if you are going for game, Scrap (Twin) Dragon would most likely be a better way to accomplish that.

Scrap Mind Reader is a nice option to have, but it's nothing more than a weaker Scrapstorm that requires a Graveyard set-up. The only upside is that it leaves you with a Monster on the field.

While I'm talking about Scraps, I might as well say that if you find yourself running out of Scrap Dragons in your Extra Deck, you're doing something wrong. It shouldn't take that many Scrap Dragons to win.


  1. One for one abuse?

  2. @ilikewater2009

    That would be the best way to abuse it, but One for One is Limited. Foolish Burial is often mentioned, but it's also Limited.

    Besides, what would you do with a Scrap Mind Reader on the field? The best case scenario would be to tribute it for Scrap Golem. Otherwise, it's just going to be on the field until it dies in battle.

  3. This card is broken.go on youtube an type in jdp2k80 and check out his scrap deck.


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