Monday, November 9, 2009

Koa'ki Meirus

Currently, I'm trying to figure out a working Koa'ki Meiru build. The archetype as a whole was badly executed, but they are given so many negation cards, so I think it's worth trying.

I just want to run one Iron Core so that I can take advantage of Iron Core Luster and Nega-Ton Corepanel, and maybe even some other cards like Automatic Laser, Reckoned Power, and even Sea Panther.

A Rock-based build is the way to go. I mean, Guardian and Boulder are Rocks, and they are some of the best Koa'ki Meiru cards. I was thinking of also using Waters, like Sea Panther and Hydro Barrier, though Hydro Barrier is kind of bad. If I went that way, then I'd run more than one Iron Core and some Core Compressions.

I'm just trying to figure out a way to make Koa'ki Meirus work, since I like the archetype. I've tried to make it work even since before they came out in Japan. I'm hopeful, but we'll see.

Maybe they'll work with Gladiator Beasts...

Hoplomus is a Rock, Murmillo and Retiari are Waters, and Laquari and Darius are Beast-Warriors. Hmm...

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