First tournament of the new format, not that this new ban list has changed anything...
I wanted to go with my T.G. Tele Zombies, but I realized that it would be difficult to make a good Side Deck for it. With the old T.G. Zombies, I could easily side out the Armageddon Knight, Reinforcement of the Army, Allure of Darkness, X-Saber Pashuul, and Reinforce Truth, regardless of the match-up, letting me side some anti-Stun cards or whatnot. I don't have that luxury with the new variant. So, I just decided to take my Scrap Worms again. I ended up maining the third Cyber Dragon, which was helpful, and siding Royal Decrees, which I never used.
Round 1: vs Wind-Ups
This was my Round 4 opponent from last week.
-Duel 1: He drew pretty badly, so I just beat him up with Cyber Dragon. I didn't draw any Scraps, but I was able to beat him low enough with the Cyber Dragon so that a top-decked Worm Xex was able to kill him when we were both low on cards after he looped me late game, but failed to do any real damage.
-Duel 2: I was in a pretty good position with my Cyber Dragons and Worms (no Scraps again, for some reason...), but he topped Wind-Up Magician with Wind-Up Shark in hand to loop me and go for game.
-Duel 3: This time, I didn't draw any Monsters. Just a Cyber Dragon that I used to make Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, which he Veiled to reduce its ATK to 0. After that, he was able to beat me up with his Wind-Up Rabbit, as I didn't draw any other Monsters.
Round 2: vs Newbie Dragons
Scrap Twin Dragon is powerful.
Round 3: vs Lightsworn
I ended up playing against vadangchoinga.
-Duel 1: For some reason, I wasn't drawing any Scraps besides Scrap Chimeras, so I died to his Tragoedia.
-Duel 2: Again, only Scrap Chimeras. I was able to use a Scrapstorm on one to set up my Scrap Beast, then I ended up drawing a second Chimera to make use of the Beast. Either way, the Worms were doing fine, leaving me with Steelswarm Roach to lock him down for a bit. Unfortunately, he had Card Trooper to get rid of my Roach, then topped Pot of Avarice with three cards left in deck (the other two were Treacherous Trap Hole and another Card Trooper, which he sent back to his deck after grabbed Judgment Dragon with Pot of Duality on the previous turn). He sent back two Lylas, two Judgment Dragons, and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, and ended up drawing a Lyla and the BLS. Lyla cleared out my Set Book of Moon, Judgment Dragon wiped my Scrap Beast off of the board, and BLS sealed my fate.
Round 4: vs X-Sabers
-Duel 1: I just rushed him with Scrap Twin Dragon, continuously bouncing his field and attacking directly. He couldn't deal with it without Monsters in the Graveyard, so I won.
-Duel 2: He swarmed with Boggart Knight, Darksoul, Faultroll, and Fulhelmknight, making XX-Saber Gottoms and ripping all of the cards out of my hand. I topped a Scrap Chimera, but with no card to destroy with Scrap Dragon, I was forced to make Utopia and stall for a turn. Utopia died the following turn to Mirror Force, and I Set the Worm Yagan I drew. It got bounced by Mist Wurm, and I got swarmed to death.
-Duel 3: I opened with a Set Scrap Beast and a couple back rows. He started with a Set XX-Saber Emmersblade and a Set back row. I played Scrapyard to search another Scrap Beast and summoned it. He let it through, so I played Mind Control to steal his Monster and Synchro Summon Scrap Archfiend. I lost the Archfiend to Bottomless Trap Hole, so I flipped my Set Scrap Beast and attacked directly. He Set a Monster and ended. I Set a back row and ended. He flipped his XX-Saber Darksoul, then summoned X-Saber Airbellum. I flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to bounce his Darksoul, daring him to crash his Airbellum into my Scrap Beast. He instead Set my Beast down with Book of Moon, then attacked it. That left my field open so that I could summon Worm Xex and revive Worm Yagan, then run over his Airbellum. I Set my own Book of Moon and ended. He summoned XX-Saber Boggart Knight and Special Summoned XX-Saber Fulhelmknight with its effect. I used my Book to put his Boggart Knight face-down, and he decided to attack my Worm Yagan with his Fulhelmknight for some reason. He took the damage and the Fulhelmknight back to his hand. So, I switched my Yagan to Attack Position, ran over his Boggart Knight with Xex, then attacked directly with Yagan. I made Steelswarm Roach, as I could protect it with my Set Compulsory Evacuation device. He just summoned Fulhelmknight and ended. I summoned another Worm Xex, and he decided to use Effect Veiler on it after thinking for a few minutes... So, I attacked his Fulhelmknight with Xex, then with Roach to kill it. He then Set a Monster and ended. I summoned Effect Veiler and made Ally of Justice Catastor. Roach attacked his Set Darksoul, then Catastor attacked directly. He played MST on my Set Compulsory, then summoned Boggart Knight and declined to use its effect. He destroyed my Catastor with Saber Slash, then crashed into Roach with the Boggart Knight. I drew a Scrap Goblin and Set it and Scrapstorm. He summoned Fulhelmknight and attacked it, then played Mind Control in Main Phase 2. I Chained the Scrapstorm to grab a Chimera and dodge the Mind Control. On my turn, I Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, then summoned the Chimera to revive a Beast. He only had 1900 LP left, so his Fulhelmknight wasn't enough to protect him, and he scooped.
So, I ended up going X-2, which isn't very good. I do realize that Scraps aren't very good in a format where everyone's playing Effect Veilers and Maxx "C"s, but there's not much else I'd want to play. Perhaps I should actually commit to making a HERO deck...
So, the Wind-Up guy I lost to in Round 1 ended up winning the tournament, and vadangchoinga ended up getting 2nd place. I think I had them beat, though, as I pulled the Ultra Rare Book of Moon from the Turbo Pack! So even though I got my salad tossed by both of them, I walked away with a better prize than either of them, ha ha.
But yeah, I seriously need to change decks. The Worms are doing great, but I haven't been drawing the Scraps, for some reason. Perhaps I'll make a HERO deck with a Worm engine; we shall see...
Saturday, March 3, 2012
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I'm curious to see how a Worm/Hero fusion would pan out. At first glance there seems to be some synergy, the Heros pretty much take care of themselves as do the Worms. You can go passive/aggressive through early to mid game depending on the gamestate, then explode later with Miracle Fusions. I look forward to it!
ReplyDeleteWell, they don't necessarily have much synergy aside from the Worms being Lights for The Shining, but the Worms are a good standalone engine. Despite being a little slow, they are quite powerful, and would help with match-ups like Dino Rabbits and Six Samurai, where a Set Worm Yagan is a perfect out to their lock-down Monsters.
DeleteThe real reason that I haven't been able to make a HERO deck for competitive uses is because I've never been completely satisfied with HEROes as an archetype. All they really have going for them is Miracle Fusion at the moment. Mask Change is a little underwhelming, and most of their Monsters are just effectless beaters most of the time. So, it's been difficult to work out an effective build.
Hey Lightgrunty
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should try making a Chaos deck w/o Maxx "C" and Tour Guide from the Underworld. Just add Snowman Eater, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, and so on. You could even add the Worms.
I've actually thought about a Chaos deck with a Worm engine. The problem with that is that the Chaos Monsters aren't exactly that powerful. While being able to banish one Monster is pretty powerful, Chaos Sorcerer doesn't exactly compare to E-HERO Absolute Zero.
DeleteHowever, simply making a "good stuff" deck using Worms isn't that bad of an idea. I'll see what I can come up with, I suppose.
You could always use debunk against Effect Veiler and Maxx "C"
ReplyDeleteIn any case, I really look forward to a new Worm variant from you!
Especially if you can manage to pull off a Worm E-HERO hybrid, that would be pretty awesome!XD
I've considered Debunk, but it's a little too situational. I'd rather use Divine Wrath, but Scraps can't afford the discard most of the time.