Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Random Stuff #30

Now that I've gone back to the Worm engine in my Scrap deck and have taken out the random tech like Breaker and Zephyros, the Extra Decked Synchros that went with that tech has come out, too. So, I have too much space in my Extra Deck...

Once Xyz Monsters come out, Number 39: Utopia, and then Steelswarm Roach, will take the extra spot(s) in my Extra Deck. Until then, I have to figure out the best card to put in that extra spot.

So far, there's Ancient Fairy Dragon, Light End Dragon, and a second Scrap Archfiend that could fit into that spot. Other Synchros that would be less likely to be summoned would be Naturia Barkion (if I Mind Control a Darksoul or something) and Trishula (if I have two face-up Worms or something with an Effect Veiler). So far, I'm kinda leaning towards the Light End Dragon, since it actually does something. It basically kills anything that has up to 1000 ATK more than its current ATK.

Yeah... it's not that good. But it's better than the other options, I suppose. Maybe Colossal Fighter could have its spot back or something, not that it really deserves it... There's just nothing better to put in my Extra Deck until Xyz come out. Random note: it's really annoying to type Xyz...

In other news, I got a box of DM-29 Lock-On Heroes and DMX-01 King of Duel Road Strong Seven. Yeah, they're Duel Masters sets. And I got some decently good pulls, too; well, as far as I'm concerned, since I was looking for the Commons. I got my four Emergency Typhoons, but it's just too bad that Falconer, Lightfang Ninja is Limited... The plan was to use them together so that if Emergency Typhoon was in my Shields, it would help me draw into my Shinobi. But, since that can't happen, I might just go back to using Energy Right/Light.

Also, Aki gave me a new video game, Okami. It's pretty interesting so far. It seems like quite the long game, since I've been playing for more than three hours and I'm still in the beginning stages. There's just so much to explore and such. It's like Majora's Mask, except without the strenuous time pressure.

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