Friday, June 24, 2011

Morales' Top 16 Scrap Build

Someone asked me to discuss my opinion on it, so I will.

Tournament Report with Deck List

Before I even saw his deck, I had already considered Horn of the Phantom Beast. It's okay, but it's too much of a dead draw late game and does very little against decks that don't have Stun elements, like Plants and Frog Monarchs. Plants, and soon Junk Doppel, are already bad match-ups for Scraps, so I wouldn't want to just hope to draw multiple Effect Veilers/Fiendish Chains to win.

His build does very little to stop Six Samurai. If he goes first, then he would be in a good position to stop a Shi En, but starting second against a Shi En doesn't look too good for him. He could be run over on the second turn before he can even do anything.

In addition, according to his tournament report, he either opened with or drew into Reborn Tengu early game in practically all of his duels. That's basically a free plus-2 every game. Not to mention that he opened with Horn of the Phantom Beast most of his duels, too.

His build has some good points, but it looks like there would be some consistency issues. His deck is like a Stun build, which inherently means that it's going to open badly sometimes, and he also doesn't have that many ways to access his Scrap Tuners.

The deck may work for him, but I don't like it. I personally have horrible luck, so I have to make my decks as consistent as possible with as few dead draws as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks bro!~ I guess thats why cards such as mystical space typhoon are so powerful because of simplication. The more simple the gamestate is the more reliant on luck the game becomes, which isn't always with you as you said ;]

    (Tiger King does wonders against plants and frogs in a Stun Scrap side, but whats the point if you can't beat shi-en lol)


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