Monday, January 10, 2011

Dale Bellido's Scrap Build

This was going to be a Random Stuff post, but there's enough to talk about with Dale's deck, so I just took the post in that direction.

I really like Dale Bellido's new Scrap build. I understand why he made some of his odd choices, such as the omission of Giant Trunade and using two Effect Veilers. Those are most likely the product of the meta in his area, though.

I question the consistency, though. Scrap Beast is almost always needed, and drawing into them isn't reliable enough for me.

Relevant side note: If you've been reading my blog for long enough, you know that I have huge issues with my deck's consistency. I always seem to draw the worst possible hand for the situation that I'm in. For instance, at locals on Saturday, in Round 3, Duel 1, he started with Aurkus and a back row. My hand was all targeting cards, so I couldn't do anything but Set a Ryko and back rows. Instead of drawing one of three Worm Xex, one of five Scrap Beasts (includes two Scrapyards), one of two Cyber Dragons, or even one of three Scrap Chimeras, I drew Ryko and Worm Yagan as my Monsters. It's that bad. The chance of drawing a Monster that could get over Aurkus was over 92%, and it failed.

So, I like to have reliable access to my Scrap Beasts, which is why I'm adamant about playing two Scrapyards. I recognize Dale's decision to drop Scrapyards, but I won't trust my chances of drawing the main Tuner of the deck to just three cards in the deck.

I also don't like dead draws, which is why I would only play one Scrap Golem and two Scrapstorms. Yes, they effectively win games when they go off successfully, but they're dead draws late game.

I've expressed my... lack of being impressed by Effect Veiler, but I can see why he uses it. It's a savior card against Giant Trunade, Cold Wave, and cards that D.D. Crow does nothing against. I still like Forbidden Chalice, but given that the meta in my area has become less Stun-ish, and also due to the inclusion of the Worm engine, I would probably drop a Forbidden Chalice to tech Effect Veiler once more.

If I were rich, I could get Solemn Warnings. I don't like them, though, since with my luck, they'd probably end up killing me faster. It's something I'm strongly considering, though. I doubt that I'd outright buy them for $40-50 each, though. I would trade for them, given the opportunity.

That basically sums everything up. So yeah, I'm probably going to change my Scrap Worms (it's still Anti-Stun) build a little, and I'll have to see how Dale's deck changes. I'm most interested in the Side Deck, since mine isn't helping me from getting double Judgment Dragon'd or triple Debris Dragon'd, despite siding in twice as many cards as what most players would. So yeah...

1 comment:

  1. This is a month or two ago but if you haven't seen Wesley Pipes scrap deck his build could also be of interest + he posted side. Don't hate for the guys pots or warnings, lol if you must imagine the warnings as trap holes and the pots as upstart goblin - gl with your build.


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