At the Sneak Preview, I pulled two Scrap Goblins, one Scrap Beast, and one Scrap Golem. I also pulled Scrap Hunter, but he doesn't really count. I was able to get a Scrap Dragon for about $15, as well. Aki also pulled a Guts of Steel, which I'm still trying to find a way to abuse.
At Regionals, I pulled another Scrap Beast and a Guts of Steel, and I also went out and bought Scrap Chimeras and Scrapstorms. I also bought a second Scrap Dragon for the low low price of $5.
At locals, I bought a second Scrap Golem and two Scrapyards. After the tournament was over, I got a third Scrapyard.
On a random day, bought three Duelist Revolution Packs. I pulled Scrap Beast and a third Scrap Dragon.
At locals, one of my friends gave me a Scrap Golem. I already had two, so I gave it to the X-Saber player I beat, since he wanted to make a Scrap deck.
Last weekend, I bought a third Scrapstorm and pulled a fourth Scrapyard.
Earlier this week, I bought a Duelist Revolution Special Edition. I pulled another Scrap Golem.
Even though I bought half of the cards, the cards I needed at the time just magically happened to be in the packs I bought. It's pretty nice.
Anyway, this is basically a random post since I haven't been able to post all week. I'm going to locals tomorrow, so I'll have a tournament report up tomorrow night...
Wow that is certainly strange