Saturday, May 1, 2010


They're amazing. So why haven't I played them yet?

I just didn't have the cards. But, I bought Substitoads a week ago. And, upon looking through my Crimson Crisis and Stardust Overdrive cards, I found that I had playsets of Dupe Frog, Flip Flop Frog, and Swap Frog. I'm hoping to get at least two Ronintoadins tomorrow at the Shining Darkness Sneak Preview, and that would give me more than enough Frog cards to make a deck.

But they have no win condition. They all have like less than 1000 ATK, with many of them sporting just 100 ATK. So what's the solution?

Some have thrown Monarchs and Frogs together to give the Monarchs easy tributes. With Ronintoadin, that type of deck will become even better.

I want to try something different. Maybe something like Quickdraw Frogs or some other Frog Synchro deck. I'm not exactly sure. The idea of using Drill Warrior to keep recycling Quickdraw Synchron for endless Synchros with Frogs sounds pretty cool, though.


  1. Fuuuuhhh... You stole my idea.
    Here is my idea - so basicly you don't use roanin toadin, you just use junk synchron and quickdraw and maybe synchron explorer to pull out lots and lots of junk destroyers... now to go and buy my frogs (how expensive are they?)

  2. They're all Commons and Rares, so they shouldn't be too expensive.

  3. k hanks. also - op 16 deckliss are ou (cgplaer)

  4. You could try the Wetlands/Solidarity/Inverse Universe build, that's probably what I'm going to run. If your going the Monarch route you could try playing with LADD as well, Ronintoadin gives you the tributes easy enough. I haven't heard anything good about Quickdraw Frogs so far, but you could try it. Some people are going to try Synchro builds with all the plays Ronin helps you make, but those seem too inconsistent to me.

    I'm probably going with either a stall/burn deck using wave-motino cannon or a more aggressive build with LADD or a couple monarchs teched in. I love Ronintoadin.


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