Monday, February 28, 2011

Hurrah for the New Format!

Okay, so it's not here just yet, but it will be tomorrow.

With the new ban list to take effect tomorrow, the meta will change somewhat dramatically. In the OCG, two somewhat random decks have become quite popular. Those two decks are apparently Hero/Light/Gemini Beat and Vayu Turbo (Graveyard BF).

I'm quite surprised that Hero Beat has been winning tournaments. It's not a particularly good deck, seeing as how it carries the inherent weakness of a Stun deck. However, after two Monsters end up dying, Miracle Fusion can remove them from play for The Shining, who can get them back for free. Take note, though, that The Shining's effect can Miss the Timing, so be sure to take advantage of that.

A big part of why Hero Beat is more popular now is because (Whirlwind) Blackwings are essentially gone. Hero Beat could have a tough time against Blackwings because of Icarus Attack and Kalut. Now, with Kalut down to 1, the idea of using Blackwings is somewhat laughable. Their absence leaves Gemini Spark as the best chainable removal card in the meta at the moment. Hero Beat can also use Skill Drain more effectively than Blackwings can, as Blackwings came to be dependent on Blizzard.

I'm even more surprised that Vayu Turbo has become so popular in the OCG. When I was playing it, it seemed like an inconsistent and unstable deck. However, with Zephyros being able to recycle Armageddon Knight, and the resistance to Solemn Warning, Vayu Turbo can be seen as a good pick. It just has glaring inherent weaknesses that people apparently haven't prepared to exploit, yet.

As for the TCG, Six Samurai and Gravekeeper's will most likely retain some share of the meta. Gladiator Beasts will almost certainly be a popular choice up until the YCS on the 19th, as they always are at the beginning of a format. X-Sabers will probably return as one of the top decks, due to the removal of Book of Moon as a threat to stop their Trap Stun plays.

Hero Beat may also become popular in the TCG, because Elemental Hero The Shining will be legal starting March 1st. While the TCG still doesn't have access to Great Tornado or Nova Master, The Shining was a huge boost to E-Heroes and Super Polymerization. I don't know that they'll be a top deck, though.

It's kind of the same deal with Vayu Turbo. The deck still has the inherent abilities that could lead to its success, but it lacks specific cards in Zephyros, Trishula, and possibly some of the Genex Ally. While Zephyros won't be released for a few months, Trishula and friends (*cough*) will be legal in April. None of them are necessary to the deck, though.

As for me, I'm probably going to stick with my Scrap Worms build up through April, at least. All I have to do for now is drop a Book of Moon for Scapegoat, and fill the space left by Goyo Guardian with Naturia Synchros. Such a nice transition.


  1. The meta change was desperately needed. I'm surprised Six Samurais didn't get hit harder, but Gravekeeper's should mitigate them in the TCG. I'm not certain about the OCG though.

    I hope Extra Pack 4 comes early for the OCG, the absence of the TCG exclusives limits the playability of many decks, namely Gravekeeper's, X-Sabers and Infernity (which is sorely missing Barrier).

    Here's hoping that this will be a good format.


  2. what do you think will become of dragunity?

  3. @BlackwingNinja

    They'll be around, but they won't be very prevalent or good. There's a reason why they haven't really done anything in the OCG: Dragunities depend too much on Dragon Ravine.

  4. scrap worms? Eloborate that bro?

  5. @Anonymous

    Here's the deck video I posted of the deck last format:


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