Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tournament Report 12/4/10

I had no time at all to fix up my Scrap Anti-Stun deck, so it was the same as last week. I was considering taking Seven Tools of the Bandit out for Dust Tornado for various reasons. In hindsight, I probably should have...

Before the tournament started, I played a few fun duels with Yusei JB from Yugilo's YouTube channel. Those videos should be up on Yugilo's channel soon.

Round 1: vs Blackwings

I was playing against Riku. I didn't notice he was there before since I was dueling with Yusei JB.

-Duel 1: We both opened up with a bunch of Traps. I had to Dark Hole his Shura so that he couldn't Delta Crow or Icarus Attack on my first turn, and I was able to keep Monsters off of his side of the field with my Traps and Rykos.
-Duel 2: He opened with Shura, Black Whirlwind, Giant Trunade, and Dark Armed Dragon. I dropped down to 950 LP over the course of the duel, but I was still able to win by using Black Rose Dragon to destroy the field and even out our card presence. We each had two cards each, so he couldn't pull off his Blackwing stunts, and I was able to win.

Round 2: vs Rock Stun

-Duel 1: He kept drawing his Koa'ki Meiru Rocks (Guardian, Sandman, and Wall), and I couldn't get through them all.
-Duel 2: He got a bunch of Traps, two Burden of the Mighty, and Morphing Jar. I lost a bunch of advantage, but I was still able to control the game until I could drop Brionac for game.
-Duel 3: Same as Duel 2, except he didn't have Burden of the Mighty, and I won with Scrap Dragon.

Round 3: vs Gravekeeper's

I had to play against Yusei JB, who was my Round 4 opponent from this tournament.

-Duel 1: He went first, and dropped Necrovalley and Royal Tribute straight away. I saw why he didn't Set any cards first, since he had two more Royal Tributes, Monster Reborn, and Book of Moon in hand. I only lost a Scrap Beast, and I had Scrapyard in hand, so I didn't care. I was able to beat him down with Scraps and keep the few Monsters he drew off of the field.
-Duel 2: He didn't have Necrovalley for a while, so I didn't have to worry much about it. He had to put up with my Banisher of the Radiance, wasting Book of Moon on it to prevent his Monsters from getting removed. By the time he did get Necrovalley, I already had the set-up to Synchro Summon Scrap Twin Dragon without the use of my Graveyard (Cyber Dragon + Scrap Beast). I was able to bounce his Set Spy and Necrovalley. He only Set the Spy next turn so I couldn't bounce anything, but I topped Monster Reborn, reviving Scrap Golem to dump Scrap Goblin on his side of the field. That was just enough for game.

Round 4: vs Burn

-Duel 1: He started with Tremendous Fire, three Set back rows, a Set Giant Germ, and Chain Energy. I had to keep paying to play my cards, and he drew into Lava Golem to get rid of my Monsters. I got burned out.
-Duel 2: I started by Setting five cards to my back row, so I wouldn't get Chain Energy'd to death. He Set four back rows. From there, we just kept drawing and passing. I drew into Summoner Monk, so I flipped my Giant Trunade and Synchro Summoned Scrap Dragon. I stole the Giant Germ he Set next turn with Mind Control, and Synchro Summoned Catastor using Scrap Goblin. He conveniently had Lava Golem again, but it was too late. I was able to push through the last bit of damage with that Lava Golem.
-Duel 3: He opened with a bunch of Traps, including Skull Invitation and Chain Energy again. I Set Ryko so I could deal with it without losing too many LP, but ended up losing a bunch to Skull Invitation. I pushed through some damage with Brionac and Scrap Twin Dragon, but he had Lava Golem... again... He didn't really need it though, since he had so many burn Traps in his hand, so I couldn't have bounced them all to attack safely. I got killed in the end by Tremendous Fire.

So, I went 3-1 and got 2nd place. I agreed to a split with Yusei JB, since we knew that we would both be able to top after seeing the rest of the undefeated players at the start of Round 3. So, we both got a decent amount of store credit. I used mine on a second Psi-Blocker (Aki pulled and traded me the first) and a rather disappointing pack of Duelist Revolution. I should have just gotten more sleeves...

The Turbo Pack 4 was nice, though. I got a King of the Skull Servants and the Super Rare Compulsory Evacuation Device. It's not like I plan on using it, but it's nice to have. Actually, the tactical advantage of being able to play it at any time and bounce face-downs may warrant its use. I'll have to see.

To finish with what I said in the beginning, Dust Tornado would have been pretty helpful. It doesn't require a LP cost, and it can prevent stuff like Book of Moon and Necrovalley. I might consider using that as well.

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