Thursday, December 2, 2010


I was able to pick three of these up last weekend, so I've been trying to figure out a deck to use them in.

The obvious application is to revive Level 1 Tuners to abuse Formula Synchron. Summon a Monster to draw a card, it's like you're playing Duel Masters!

The other application is in Fortune Ladies. Revive Fortune Lady Light with it, let Kinka-byo jump back to your hand and remove Fortune Lady Light. Then, you can Special Summon a Fortune Lady from your deck, and you're set for Fortune's Future, which is a card I've been trying to find a way to abuse.

Those two strategies could be combined into one deck. There would just be a few problems I need to figure out.

First is the fact that it would be hard to get the right Level 1's in the Graveyard. Sure, I could discard Effect Veiler for its own effect, and I could dump Water Monsters with Genex Undine. But Fortune Lady Light would be fairly hard to get in the Graveyard without Setting it and letting it die.

There's also the problem with getting Kinka-byo in hand consistently. Sure, using it with Fortune Lady Light lets you reuse it later, but Synchro Summoning Formula Synchron uses it up. Izanami can get it back to your hand at the cost of a discard, but it's not exactly very efficient.

Lastly, what would the win condition be? Drawing a mess load of cards isn't exactly a solid win condition. What cards would I want to draw into that would actually help me win...? They would have to work with the Kinka-byo/Fortune Lady theme, too...

Besides Chaos Sorcerer, I can't really think of anything off of the top of my head, and Chaos Sorcerer isn't exactly a win condition. Maybe Miracle Synchro Fusion and Supreme Arcanite Magician. Fortune Ladies are Spellcasters, so that could work.

It's an interesting concept, so I'll see if I can make the deck sometime soon.


  1. It's okay Lightgrunty if you want to play Majestic Star Dragon deck, I won't make fun of you =D

  2. It is an interesting concept, but IMHO, kinka-byo would work best in a plant deck, set on abuse of Formula Synchron. You could also go for Cyber Valley and revive it for a +1.

    Kinka-byo deck would probably have to be, as you said, a fortune lady + arcanite deck. Formula + FL dark = Arcanite. Level 1 TUners could include (as said) effect veiler, or glow-up bulb. Another level 1 tuner could be snyfflus? Maybe if you throw in dandylion?

    Honestly, you are probably just better off with veiler and glow-up.

  3. Bahamut from DuelingDays created a deck that abused beasts like Rescue Cat,Keymouse, Lockat, etc. to gain advantage but that deck died when Rescue Cat got banned!XD

  4. @9045d

    I hadn't thought of that. Too bad Majestic Dragon can only be used for the Synchro Summon of a Majestic Monster.


    I don't think that Cyber Valley would be in the Graveyard very often, but it's worth considering. I don't like the thought of removing Kinka-byo from play, though...


    That's kind of where I got the idea. That deck didn't necessarily need Rescue Cat, but it got major support from The Fabled Monsters. Catsith and Unicore were essential to the deck. When they come out in the TCG, I might consider something like it.

  5. How about combining Kinka-Byo with Scrap Mind Reader?

  6. How could I combine Scrap Mind Reader with Kinka-byo? Scrap Mind Reader can only be Tuned to other Scrap Monsters.

  7. Also - easy way to recyle Kinka-byo is via Dark Euruption. So synch away.

  8. @Anonymous

    Good idea; I hadn't thought of that. I'm not sure what else I would recycle, though.


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