Friday, December 24, 2010

Upcoming Threats for the TCG

So, the TCG Duel Terminal 4 is coming sometime in January. That means that we'll be getting Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. It won't be usable until next summer, but it's still a frightening thought. It makes Debris Plants a huge threat, since they can summon it so easily.

There's also Genex Ally Birdman, which I'm actually looking forward to. It's not extremely broken, especially since Gallis the Star Beast isn't legal in the US, and it'll be a cool card for me to use in some sort of Dark Turbo-esque deck.

Of course, The Fabled will be coming in the Duel Terminal as well. They actually make Fabled decks viable, meaning that Light-Imprisoning Mirror might be seen in Side Decks again. The Fabled aren't as important as what's coming in February.

Storm of Ragnarok will bring the dreaded Legendary Six Samurai to the TCG, destroying the somewhat diverse meta that has been enjoyed up to this point. I'm legitimately scared of playing against them, since they can effectively make it impossible for you to win, depending on what their starting hand is.

I've been watching quite a few OCG duel videos with Legendary Six Samurai in them, and those players seem to open amazingly all the time. Even if you get a chance to push back, Legendary Six Samurai gain so much advantage that they can just swarm you again.

Maybe Legendary Six Samurai players do open badly sometimes. I just haven't seen it happen. And, there's not much that can deal effectively with a Legendary Six Samurai swarm. I'll have to look into what to do about them. Hopefully they'll just be smashed by the ban list in March...


  1. This is how you kill samurai:

    trunade --> sync naturia beast.

    opponent scoops 99% of the time.

    hahahaha. btw good luck facing trishula. it feels good to use her tho

  2. @mike

    They could Synchro Summon Shien pretty easily to get over Naturia Beast, though. And it's hard to Synchro Summon Naturia Beast first turn, which is when it would be most effective.

    Trishula will be a huge pain. I'll have to start using Effect Veiler again... But yeah, it'll be really cool to be able to use it on an opponent.

  3. from personal playing experience with samurai, after i brought naturia beast down on them they pretty much scooped (provided no gateways on field yet)

    cos i also have books, solemn warnings etc face down on field.

    and OCG samurai has low monster count like only 13 or 14 so they rely on smoke signal and reinforcements alot, so after naturiabeast --> bye

    sometimes you just get lucky with a pashul and darksoul/ emmerblade, and your opponent hasnt drawn gatewways yet or i trunaded it.

    can ur deck make trishula easily?

  4. @mike

    Well, I don't have the Solemn Warnings, but Book of Moon and such is probably enough to protect a Naturia Beast.

    My Scrap deck has almost no way to Special Summon Trishula. By the time it's legal, though, I'll be using a different deck.


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