Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Question for the OCG Players

In the TCG, everyone will be using Effect Veiler. There's just no question; if you have it, it's in your deck.

While this may just be because of Tour Guide, plenty of other stuff can get Veiled effectively as well. For instance, Brionac, Trishula, Black Rose Dragon, and Junk Synchron are really powerful cards that Effect Veiler can effectively shut down.

But, I've noticed that many OCG players (at least in Japan), aren't playing Effect Veiler at all this format. The only decks I've seen run it are all-Monster decks and Junk Doppel.

I'm well aware that the TCG and OCG metas are quite different, but I'm just trying to understand the mind-set behind the decision not to run Effect Veiler. And, now that I think about it, this lack of Effect Veilers in OCG decks has been going on for quite a while.

So, if anyone wants to chime in and offer their thoughts on why many OCG players don't use Effect Veiler, feel free to comment below.


  1. I'm from Asia, so i'd like to attempt to answer that.

    Fistly, many decks you run into at tournaments will most likely be Agents or TG-Agents. IMO veiler does nothing against things like hyperion and gachi and does little to get you run over.

    Things that ARE affected aren't commonly seen, so veiler isn't in every deck.

    And lastly, agent variants have orange light anyways, so veiler is redundant

  2. Honestly, I never use Veilers in my deck just because it is not as effective as Vermillion Declarer (Orange Light)and I think it can be useful, but it is situational (I am a OCG player).

  3. I'm using it. I practice a more stun type of deck to halt my opponent's effects. But the Effect Veilers are side deck cards. So if duel against a machina type deck, then I'll use it, or even a fish/full exceed/karakuri/e-heroes and etc.

  4. I use it. It still stops Venus and Earth.

    Of the top 16 decks at the Nagoya Championships 4 Effect Veilers were side decked, but given that Angels usually don't side them I'd say that's pretty standard.

  5. Veilers are only ran in OCG decks that do not have enough backrow protection, like said junk do and all monster deck and to some extent frog monarchs. Plus, the no-priority ruling makes Bottomless on venus so good, and theres no need for Veiler.
    Veiler is a good card, but more often than not, its sided, or if not sided, its totally omitted for more useful cards like d.d. crow and core destroyer.
    Veiler is a -1 by itself, but there really is nothing much to stop in this format, in contrast to the previous one. Using Veiler on a JD or Hyperion or even Kristya isn't gonna help you a lot, unless you have a Gorz in hand to follow up and turn the tables.

    Or just another simple reason, personal preference.

  6. i use it just because i play junk doppel, so its not a liability in this case =)

    however, i second what marodin up there said. you can try to veiler venus but then there is no confirmation that you can run it over anyways, and its better if you just play bottomless for that.

    also its just that, instead of trying to stop your opponents combos, they other players intend to spend their deck space on making sure your opponent cannot deal with your own, or to make their build more consistent.


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