Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post 300

I guess that this might be considered special. It'll just be another random stuff post.

Apparently everyone's now on Dueling Network. Seems interesting. However, it seems to be riddled with the main problem that plagued KCVDS: people who don't know rulings/how to play. It's not enjoyable if you're only playing against newbs all the time. Besides, my spare time is being eaten up by Minecraft.

I suppose that it might help if I were able to play against good players, but still. It's not the same experience as dueling across the table from another person. If I do go on Dueling Network, it would be to use a fun deck or a deck I wouldn't be able to use normally (with OCG cards).

To move on to something else, I've been thinking about adding a tech Breaker the Magical Warrior to my Scraps Reborn deck. It seems good, but I'm not sure what to take out.

Summoner Monk seems like the prime candidate, but it's helpful sometimes against faster decks or for making faster plays (such as one backed by Giant Trunade). However, it wastes my valuable Spells, and it could be Veiled, leaving it useless. These are the same reasons I took it out of the Scrap Anti-Stun variant.

The Side Deck is still somewhat awkward. I basically took out all of the Spell/Trap hate to make room for Closed Forests (and Maxx "C"s to an extent). I do Main Deck Royal Decree, but it's not as helpful against Dimensional Fissure. I guess that Breaker could deal with that...

I'm still looking for ideas for my Psychic deck. I really have no clue as to how it would work out, seeing as how people focus entirely on the FTK or the Halberd Cannon lock. Maybe I could try it out on Dueling Network...


  1. what happen to your nordic deck..havent heard of it since the last time u've mentioned it

  2. @Anonymous

    Like I said once I last mentioned it, I'll put it together once I get the Naturia Pineapples as promos from Hidden Arsenal: Special Edition. I like the idea of Pineapple in the deck, and I don't like many of the other engines I've seen for Nordics, so I'm going to try the Pineapple route.

  3. I like teching in Breaker, it helps a lot against the gk matchup. Right now I'm debating on taking out trunade, since i run 3x breaker, which destroys the backrow threats that im afraid of, and can go with goblin into arcanite for more plusses.

  4. What about with Chain Dog? And when we get empty space sea serpent leviael, you could use that?

  5. @Ed

    I stopped playing Arcanite Magician because there was only a very small chance that I would be able to summon it, and it's not as helpful as it used to be. However, seeing as how it can be good against Gravekeeper's, I may put it back in.


    I don't see the point in Chain Dog.


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