Friday, October 15, 2010

Regionals Tomorrow!

I'm really excited, since this format has been awesome so far. I'll be going with Scrap (Anti-Stun).

I expect a bunch of Quickdraw/Plants and X-Sabers, but I'm more worried about Stun decks. So I'm even Main Decking Anti-Stun stuff that is still decent in the other match-ups (mainly Seven Tools of the Bandit and Thunder King Rai-Oh). I'm also trying two Chaos Trap Holes in the Side Deck. I have high expectations for them, which probably isn't a good thing.

Usually, I pull an amazing card in the entry packs that I end up putting in my deck. Battle Fader and Effect Veiler, basically. I hope that I pull Pot of Duality or something. I'm not too keen on Solemn Warning, because, although it's a good card, I wouldn't know what to take out for it. If I get Pot of Duality, I'd just take out my Gold Sarcophagus; easy.

I just don't want to get into a bunch of Stun wars with Blackwings and Gladiator Beasts. I'm confident in the Light Gemini Stun match-up, since that deck isn't very good in general. It just has good match-ups against other Stun decks, basically.

Today, I got a blue mini-Monster binder, which is really nice. I am going to try and trade for Scrap and/or Psychic stuff (and also a Duel Terminal Gungnir for Aki), but I'm planning on taking some videos while I'm there. No "this is what the venue looks like and bla, bla, bla," videos; I'll be taking duel videos, and maybe deck profiles if my friends want them.

Lastly, I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to top, but there's really nothing I'll get from topping. I already have my invite to Nationals, and the additional prize support is minimal (like 2 packs if you get in the Top 64...?). It would be nice to get the play mat (and the binder) if I Top 8 (or even Top 4). I think it's possible, but I'll try not to be too saddened if I go X-2 (or worse...).

So yeah, going to Regionals this time is mainly for the social experience, trading, and dueling. Hopefully I'll be successful in at least two of those endeavors tomorrow...

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