Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tournament Report 6/12/10

I went to locals today with my Genex Control deck. I actually took out five cards, including the E-Hero "engine." I replaced them with some nice simplification cards, so that I could win off of advantage from the Genex.

By the way, the reason I'm typing this so late is because I was just recording duels with Aki, so expect to see new videos starting tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get one of the cards I wanted for the deck before the tournament. For some reason, the card shop didn't have Level Limit - Area B... But, I will be getting it from one of my friends on Monday, so it's not that bad. It actually wouldn't have helped me at all today.

Round 1: BYE!

I got a bye. Fun fun. I was actually disappointed at first, but the bye gave me the opportunity to survey everybody's decks. There were a good amount of newb decks, a Flamvell Lightsworn deck, a Flamvell Cat deck, an X-Saber deck, two Synchro decks (both running Junk Destroyer), and a surprising amount of Hopeless/Disaster Dragon decks. I'm not familiar with the differences between Hopeless and Disaster Dragon; I just know that Hopeless tries to swarm and OTK, while Disaster likes to control, then swarm and OTK. They seem the same to me...

Round 2: vs Synchro Deck

It was the same guy I dueled in Round 1 last week, and he was using the same deck.

-Duel 1: I Mirror Forced his Junk Warrior and two Giant Germs. Later in the duel, I made the correct read that his set Monster was Marshmallon, and I kept hitting through it for damage with Flamvell Uruquizas.
-Duel 2: I didn't draw enough Monsters and died.
-Duel 3: He didn't draw enough Monsters and died to the Genex.

Round 3: vs Newbie Dragons

I really don't know how he won two rounds. It's probably because there were so many newbs. Either way, I won both rounds.

Round 4: vs Six Samurai

-Duel 1:
I thought that this guy was playing the D.D. deck that I usually saw him play. So, I played more conservatively in the beginning. When he dropped Yaichi, Grandmaster, Shien, I Caius'd away his Grandmaster, attacked over Yaichi, and killed Shien with Smashing Ground. I won from there.
-Duel 2: I chained the lone Dust Tornado on my field to an attack so that I could drop Gorz. Then, I Caius'd away his Irou, which was equipped with Spirit, and attacked over Shien with Gorz. He was under Reckless Greed, so he couldn't make a comeback. I made it even worse for him when I used Spiritual Water Art - Aoi to see his hand. I didn't need to use Aoi, but it helped me confirm my victory. A side note: I would have taken out Aoi for Area B, so since I only drew Aoi this one time today, Area B would have been less useful.

Round 5: vs Hopeless Dragon

I don't think that it was Disaster Dragon, since it didn't use Stardust Dragon or Genesis Dragon. It was one of those decks with the Cards of Consonance/Trade-In/Super Rejuvenation crazy draw engine. By the way, we agreed to a split.

-Duel 1: Him going first prevented me from locking him down with Rai-Oh. Prime Material Dragon really messed me up, and I was only able to survive because I had searched Spirit Reaper with Sangan. He OTK'd me as soon as he could get Spirit Reaper off of the field.
-Duel 2: He used Card Destruction on my decent hand, making me draw a lackluster hand. It also fed into all of his card-drawing shenanigans. I was still able to survive for quite a while, and I stole his Totem Dragon with Goyo Guardian. He kept trying to get it back by killing it, but I kept drawing Traps. He used Brain Control so that he could sacrifice Goyo Guardian for Prime Material Dragon, but I had Karma Cut. He attacked with Masked Dragon, but I had Dimensional Prison. He tried to Heavy Storm, but I had Starlight Road. Then, he summoned Red-Eyes Wyvern, but I had Bottomless Trap Hole. But, without a Treeborn Frog in sight, I wasn't able to stand up to his Light and Darkness Dragons.

So, I went 4-1 (if you count the bye) and got 3rd place. Because of the split I agreed to, I was able to get two (Junk Destroyer) Starter Deck: Duelist Toolboxes. I'm planning on running a Quickdraw deck at Regionals next weekend, but I can always fall back on my Genex deck.

1 comment:

  1. (quoting from this post)
    -Duel 2: He used Card Destruction on my decent hand, making me draw a lackluster hand. It also fed into all of his card-drawing shenanigans. I was still able to survive for quite a while, and I stole his Totem Dragon with Goyo Guardian. He kept trying to get it back by killing it, but I kept drawing Traps. He used Brain Control so that he could sacrifice Goyo Guardian for Prime Material Dragon, but I had Karma Cut. He attacked with Masked Dragon, but I had Dimensional Prison. He tried to Heavy Storm, but I had Starlight Road. Then, he summoned Red-Eyes Wyvern, but I had Bottomless Trap Hole. But, without a Treeborn Frog in sight, I wasn't able to stand up to his Light and Darkness Dragons.

    XD quite the poet Lightgrunty


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