It's already that time. The time when people go crazy over the next new ban list.
Although, I do not try to make predictions, since Konami is often too crazy to predict, I do have hopes for the next ban list.
For one, Judgment Dragon being Limited. If it doesn't happen, then whoever makes the ban lists has some serious issues. No need to go in depth on this one.
Black Whirlwind to 1 would also be nice. Blackwings are good enough by themselves to be played without Whirlwind. In fact, I think that builds that don't have a heavy dependence on Black Whirlwind may be better. I'll have to try one out for myself.
Of course, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier should have been Limited when it was released.
They should have never moved Mezuki from 1 to 2. It was good at 1; I even played 1 when I didn't have a second one, and it worked out fine. It's just the crazy stuff Zombies can pull off with 2 Mezuki and Burial from a Different Dimension that makes the deck good.
Actually, I really don't understand why people insist on Limiting Burial from a Different Dimension. It's not amazingly amazing by itself. Most people only use it with Mezuki, Vayu, or Necro Gardna. The latter two aren't nearly broken enough to warrant putting Burial at 1.
So, if Lightsworn, Blackwings, and Zombies are hit, what's left? Gladiator Beasts, D.D. Eatos, and Infernities, when they come out. Okay, so?
Gladiator Beast and Eatos decks basically rely on getting the right combination of Monsters to Spells/Traps. From what I've seen, it's usually the opening hand that decides the game.
What's annoying is when they do just summon a Monster and play the rest of their hand to the back row. You've got Heavy Storm? So what? They've got a Solemn Judgment, Dark Bribe, and/or Starlight Road to stop you. You're siding Nobleman of Extermination (good idea, by the way (not sarcasm)), but they can still get around it.
You all should know, or at least be aware of the crazy junk Infernities can do.
What I'm basically trying to say is that when the broken decks of the format are taken down by the ban list, new broken decks will arise. It's going to be increasingly difficult to have a balanced meta in this game, which kind of sucks...
Monday, February 8, 2010
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Very nice! =D