Wednesday, February 3, 2010

5D's Episode 95

This episode was okay-ish. Crow continued his duel with Bolgar. He obviously won, being a main character.

Crow made up (more) broken Blackwings, including a Level 4 Tuner, a Hedge Guard-esque one, and one you can Special Summon from your Graveyard by bouncing a card on your field and taking 400 damage. That last one was just used in a loop so that Crow could win with Black Feather Dragon.

Also, they changed the effect of BFD in the anime. The anime effect actually makes more sense, but is impractical for the actual game. Instead of gaining a Black Feather Counter, BFD's ATK would go down by the amount of damage Crow would have taken. The whole "move the ATK loss to an opponent's Monster" still exists, though.

Oh, and Crow apparently uses multiples of his cards. His Bora the Spear died in episode 94, but then he summoned another one so that he could Synchro Summon Black Feather Dragon using that Level 4 Tuner.

The weirdest thing about the episode: Black Feather Dragon was locked in Crow's D-Wheel or something, and his compassion for the Satellite children allowed him to use it. Extremely random.=, I know...

1 comment:

  1. Yup. overall a very broken episode, a hint for the future of Blackwing's future?


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