There were 22 players there today with about half of the players being regulars. The other half were a combination of newbs and players new to this local.
Round 1: vs Dark Worlds - OO
-Duel 1: He beat me down with Grapha and Sillva with Gates up to knock me down to 2400 LP. The only Monsters I had were Photon Thrasher and Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite, so I made a Utopia and ran over his Sillva using Mystical Space Typhoon on his Gates. I blocked the next two attacks from Grapha and used Solemn Warning on his Trance Archfiend. That dropped me down to 400 LP, letting me Xyz Chaos Change into Utopia Ray and kill his Grapha. With my Traps, I was able to prevent him from bringing back his Grapha and I used Solemn Judgment on the Dark World Dealings he was trying to dig for answers with.
-Duel 2: I opened Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and Worm Xex, so he couldn't really do anything. I don't think that he knew that he could revive Grapha with Shadow-Imprisoning active, but I had Bottomless Set and ready for it anyway.
Round 2: vs Herald Agent Fairies - XOO
-Duel 1: He went first with Venus into Gachi Gachi Gantetsu and a Set Royal Decree. My hand was three Traps, Worm Xex, Zephyros, and Scrapyard. I summoned Worm Xex and he destroyed it with Herald of Orange Light. I had no follow-up and died to his swarm.
-Duel 2: I opened with a Set Worm Yagan and some back rows. He summoned Earth, which I had to Warning. He then Set Royal Decree and another back row and ended. I was able to push for some damage before he dropped Hyperion and started beating me down. After Setting up my Graveyard for like four turns, I drew Dark Hole... So, I destroyed his Hyperion and Set Mystical Shine Ball and pushed for damage with Scrap Chimera and Scrap Beast. I made Scrap Dragon to destroy his Decree, making my Traps live again. He tried to Monster Reborn the Hyperion, but I Chained Maxx "C", then used Book of Moon on Hyperion's summon (thank you lack of Ignition Priority!). I destroyed his Hyperion on the following turn with Scrap Dragon's effect and attacked for game.
-Duel 3: He opened with Duality into Jupiter, with his other choices being Venus and Royal Decree. Then, he Set a Monster and a back row. For the first time this match, I drew some back row removal, so I blasted his Set Decree with MST (he drew Decree every game! I wish I could draw like that). Scrap Beast ran over his Shine Ball, meaning that he was pretty desperate. Next, Bottomless Trap Hole banished his Venus, and he really had no answers after that.
Round 3: vs Some weird Dark deck - OO
Don't get me wrong, this guy was a pretty good player, and he obviously thought through his deck. It was like a Dark-centered "good stuff" deck, and it was pretty cool. It's the kind of deck I'd like to run if the meta weren't so horrible. I guess that's what the Yugilo Format is for, though.
-Duel 1: I opened with a Worm Xex play, and he thought I was playing Worms. I was able to conceal the Scrap half of my deck until I used Scrap Goblin and Worm Yagan to destroy his three back rows and a Set Monster, then make another Worm Xex play to take control of the field. With only three cards in hand against my six cards total, he couldn't do much. He made a last ditch Dark Creator play, which I cut off with Fiendish Chain. I then bounced his Creator with Yagan and summoned Scrap Chimera to revive the Goblin (I hadn't gotten to my Beast). Monster Reborn revived my Cyber Dragon, letting me make Scrap Dragon to destroy his Set Monster and clear the field for game.
-Duel 2: Since he hadn't seen how Scraps really work, he sided in Chain Disappearance, and it ended up being Set on his field for the whole game. I was able to make Scrap Dragon pretty quickly and control the duel with it, destroying the Monsters he Set, like Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo and Spirit Reaper. I was able to be reckless since I had Royal Decree up, not that his Chain Disappearance would've done anything...
I was one of the last two players going undefeated into the final round. The other one was my Round 3 opponent from this tournament. We weren't sure whether to split or not, so we rolled a dice. Evens, we split, odds, we play for it. He rolled a 2, so we decided to split. We also rolled to see if we would Side Deck or not. Evens, we would, odds, we wouldn't. He rolled a 1. So essentially, we were playing a fun match without siding.
Round 4: vs Wind-Ups - OXO
-Duel 1: He opened three Tour Guide and two Wind-Up Rabbits. What an expensive hand. He summoned Tour Guide for Sangan, Set a card, and ended. I summoned Worm Xex, which he Warned. So then I Special Summoned Photon Thrasher to run over his Tour Guide. I Set two and ended. He summoned his second Tour Guide, grabbing Tour Bus and making Zenmaity. I used Bottomless Trap Hole, and his Tour Bus sent his Tour Guide back to his deck. He Set a card and ended. I didn't want to attack the Sangan and let him get a Wind-Up Shark, so I Set another Bottomless and ended. He summoned his third Tour Guide and made another Zenmaity, but my other Bottomless Trap Hole dealt with that. I still didn't want to kill the Sangan, so I Set a second Call of the Haunted and ended. He summoned Wind-Up Rabbit and ended. I attacked the Rabbit to force him to banish it, then Set my Scrap Chimera and Mind Control. He got back his Rabbit and summoned another one. He overlaid for the third Zenmaity and Special Summoned Hunter. Hunter got rid of the only card in my hand, Cyber Dragon, and attacked my Set Chimera. I attacked his Hunter with Photon Thrasher, but he flipped Mirror Force (I was worried it was Torrential, seeing as he had left his Sangan and Wind-Up Rabbit out earlier). I used Call of the Haunted to try and revive Thrasher, but he flipped Solemn Warning. I flipped my second Call to successfully revive my Thrasher and kill his Hunter. He used Wind-Up Rat and Wind-Up Shark to make Leviathan Dragon and leave out a Wind-Up Rabbit. Leviathan Dragon killed my Thrasher, and I Set the Book of Moon I drew. He summoned his third Rabbit, meaning that his field was two Wind-Up Rabbits, Sangan, and Leviathan Dragon. He attacked with everything, and I Booked his Dragon. Besides my Set Mind Control, I was top-decking, so I asked my deck for Worm Xex, and it gave me Worm Yagan. So I Set the Yagan, bluffing Scrap Goblin ("if only I had drawn a Monster with Attack Points"). He summoned Wind-Up Magician and used one Rabbit's effect to banish itself and trigger Magician's effect. That got him a Shark, letting him overlay to Utopia. He attacked with Leviathan, and I flipped over my Worm Yagan and contemplated my choice. He said I had to choose Utopia or I'd lose. I had 3800 LP, so I could take attacks from Utopia and Sangan, so I bounced his Wind-Up Rabbit. He attacked with the other two to drop me to 300 LP and ended. I topped MST, which wasn't helpful. But, I still had my Set Mind Control. I took his Utopia and Xyz Chaos Changed into Utopia Ray! After using two Warnings, he was at low enough LP for me to finish him off with Utopia Ray, so I detached two Xyz Materials to reduce his Leviathan Dragon's ATK to 0 and ran over it for game! Overlay Charge!
-Duel 2: He opened Wind-Up Factory, Wind-Up Rabbit, and one Set back row. I summoned Scrap Beast and attacked. He used Rabbit's effect, and I Chained MST to destroy the Factory. I then Set three back rows (Scrapstorm, Dark Hole, and a real Trap). He used MST in my End Phase and successfully hit the Scrapstorm, then used Heavy Storm on the rest. He then Hunter looped my last two cards and won from there.
-Duel 3: I started with a Worm Xex play and two back rows. He played Heavy Storm, destroying my Mind Control and Monster Reborn! I had to Set them, out of fear of getting looped. Bluffing is also nice. Regardless, he played Wind-Up Rabbit, a Factory, and a back row. I summoned Scrap Beast and attacked with it and Xex. His Rabbit ran away, leaving him to take all of the damage, but he was able to search a Wind-Up Shark with Factory. I then Synchro Summoned Scrap Dragon and Set a Scrapstorm to destroy with its effect so that I could get rid of his Factory. He used his Wind-Up Rabbit and Shark to Hunter loop the rest of my hand (Scrap Chimera and Worm Yagan), then ended with Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity and Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction. His Golem destroyed my Scrap Dragon, letting me revive Scrap Beast. He ended his turn with a total of three Set back rows. I drew MST and blindly used it on his MST, though I had no back row for him to plus off of. I Flip Summoned Worm Yagan, but he used Solemn Warning. I then ran over his Zenmaity with my Scrap Beast and ended. He detached one of Acid Golem's Xyz Materials and attacked over my Scrap Beast. I drew Cyber Dragon and ended. He took 2000 burn from Acid Golem, dropping him to 600 LP, before attacking me directly, dropping me to 3400 LP. I Special Summoned my Cyber Dragon in Defense Position and Set Bottomless Trap Hole. He couldn't do anything and lost to his own Acid Golem. He didn't really have a choice, though; he needed to get rid of my Scrap Dragon and he couldn't do it any other way.
So yeah, I ended up going undefeated and getting 1st place! With my store credit, I immediately got a Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger and a Number 25: Force Focus. They were a lot less expensive than I had expected. And, now that I've gotten those and two more Tefnuit, I'm only one Atum away from completing my Hieratic deck! Somehow, Atum still costs more than Gaia Dragon, which makes no sense, but whatever.
But yeah, I will be able to switch to Hieratics soon, though I'm hesitant, as Scrap Worms have been doing quite well at locals. I mean, at something like a Regional, which I will be going to on June 2, Scrap Worms might not be able to handle all of the Dino Rabbits, but the deck is good at the locals I go to. We'll see, I guess. I'd probably just switch decks as soon as I end up going X-2 one weekend at locals. That's generally how I decide when to switch decks, ha ha.
My Rotom mat has also been getting pretty old and dirty. I may have to switch play mats soon. I could get another Rotom mat custom made so that I could keep using my signature play mat, or I could just go with one of the numerous play mats that I have collected over the years (don't say the Tour Bus or Neo Galaxy-Eyes play mats--they're most likely going to be sold soon). I personally like the WoW: TCG Twilight of the Dragons play mat. But, I do have the money for another custom play mat, so we'll see. Actually, I've wanted to get a play mat with Daigusto Emerald and Lavalval Chain on it; both their usual pictures and also as they appear on Overlay Regenerate.
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Wouldn't this look so cool on a play mat? |
Alas, I don't have the Photoshop skills to make such a mat. It's a nice dream, though.
Lastly, Kaijudo seems like it'll be pretty popular at my locals. A lot of my friends there that I've talked to said that they're either willing to try the game or have played Duel Masters and are eagerly waiting its return. The only problem is when the tournaments would be. One option would be before the usual Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments, but that would overlap with the upcoming Battle Pack tournaments. I was looking forward to the Battle Pack, but seeing that the tournament structure would most likely be 10 packs and a 40-card deck, that takes all of the deck-building skill out of the event. You're only going to have 46.4 Main Deck cards on average, since 3.6 of your 50 cards should be Xyz Monsters, meaning that you just take out the worst 6.4 cards and you have your deck. The Battle Pack is a nice change of pace from the usual format, but even it cannot compete with Kaijudo (that means that I'd play Kaijudo over Battle Pack tournaments, if I was being too vague).
Hey great job on winning again. I guess I was too caught up with my 3j's feature match, I forgot to go and record you guys. But like you always told me, "you need the experience", lol. So yeah I took your advice. But I still suck....but I have fun. So check out me getting slaughtered. I'm looking forward to seeing the "kaijudo - practice of the beast" Go early so I can get my revenged on the "yugilo format"