Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tournament Report 1/15/12

As I said in yesterday's post, I decided to go to locals today.  Thankfully they ran out of ORCS packs for the Sneak Preview yesterday, otherwise there wouldn't have been a tournament today.

Anyway, I decided to use my T.G. Zombies today.  There were 40 players today, and quite a few of them were regulars.

Round 1: vs Newbie Burn

I dropped Trishula and T.G. Wonder Magician on him both games...

Round 2: vs Newbie Fairies

I dropped Trishula and Ally of Justice Decisive Armor on the same turn during the first game.  Trishula killed him the second game.

Round 3: vs Zombie Plants

This was my Round 3 opponent from this tournament.

-Duel 1: He went first and opened Reborn Tengu and Trap Dustshoot.  He sent back my Spirit Reaper, but I summoned Armageddon Knight to send Plaguespreader Zombie to the Graveyard.  He used Mind Control and Glow-Up Bulb to make Trishula next turn, and I had basically lost because of that.  Mind Control should be banned.
-Duel 2: I went first and Set Bottomless Trap Hole and Mystical Space Typhoon.  He summoned Goblin Zombie and attacked, milling Call of the Haunted from my deck, but I dropped Tragoedia.  He Set two back rows, and I destroyed one with my Mystical Space Typhoon.  I used Tragoedia's effect, discarding my Goblin Zombie to steal his and overlay for Utopia.  I attacked directly, then he Set a Monster.  I used a second MST to destroy his other back row, then summoned Mystic Tomato.  I ran over his Sangan with the Tomato, letting him get his own Mystic Tomato, then attacked directly again with Utopia.  He summoned Banisher of the Radiance, but I banished it with Bottomless Trap Hole, and he scooped.
-Duel 3: He went first and summoned Reborn Tengu and Set two back rows.  I summoned Mezuki and lost it to Bottomless Trap Hole.  I Set a back row and ended.  He summoned Plaguespreader Zombie and Synchro Summoned Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth.  When the second Reborn Tengu was Special Summoned, I used Torrential Tribute to kill both of his Monsters, but he got the third Tengu from his deck.  He attacked with that, Set a back row, and ended.  I drew and he used Trap Dustshoot.  My hand consisted of T.G. Rush Rhino, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Goblin Zombie, Monster Reborn, and Mind Control.  He sent back the Rai-Oh, and I summoned Rush Rhino.  He negated its summon with Solemn Warning, but I got it back with Monster Reborn and ran over his Tengu.  He sent a card to the top of his deck for Plaguespreader Zombie and tributed that for Caius the Shadow Monarch, banishing my Rush Rhino and attacking directly.  I Set Goblin Zombie and used the Creature Swap I had just drawn.  I attacked my Goblin Zombie with the Caius I got to grab another one.  He drew and Set a back row and ended.  I attacked with Caius to drop him down to 3300 LP and ended.  He drew and Set a Monster.  I summoned Goblin Zombie and he used Solemn Warning.  I moved his Set Goblin Zombie out of the way with Mind Control so that I could attack for game with his Caius.  Mind Control should be banned.

Round 4: vs Machina Gadgets

This was my Round 3 opponent from this tournament.

-Duel 1: I went first and Set Sangan.  He summoned Machina Gearframe, searching Machina Fortress, then attacked.  I searched T.G. Striker, and he Set two back rows and ended.  I used Striker and Warwolf to make Wonder Magician.  Its effect hit his Bottomless Trap Hole, which he Chained.  I drew a card off of Wonder Magician's effect, and Set Mystic Tomato.  He simply attacked, letting me grab Plaguespreader Zombie.  He Set a back row and ended.  I summoned Goblin Zombie and Synchro Summoned Revived King Ha Des.  He negated the Synchro Summon with Solemn Warning, but I searched another Goblin Zombie.  I then used Reinforcement of the Army to get another T.G. Striker and Special Summoned it.  Mind Control took his Gearframe, letting me make Gaia Knight and attack directly.  He Set another back row and ended.  I attacked again and Set another Mystic Tomato.  He used Dark Hole to destroy both of my Monsters and ended.  I used Monster Reborn on the Gaia Knight and attacked directly with it.  I tributed the Gaia Knight for Caius, hoping to banish the Caius itself and deal the last bit of damage for game, but he flipped Torrential Tribute.  He finally drew a Gadget and summoned it, searching another.  He attacked directly and Set another back row.  I made Brionac with my third T.G. Striker and a Goblin Zombie, searching another Goblin Zombie.  I pitched the Mezuki I had drawn to bounce one of his back rows, then the Goblin Zombie I searched to bounce the other.  I attacked over his Gadget for game.
-Duel 2: He opened with Green Gadget, searching Red, and two back rows.  I summoned Mystic Tomato and attacked, but he stopped it with Book of Moon.  I Set two back rows and ended.  He used Pot of Duality to grab Solemn Judgment, summoned Red Gadget to search Yellow, then Set two back rows.  In the End Phase, I destroyed his Solemn Warning with an MST.  I Flip Summoned my Mystic Tomato, and he declined to use Judgment on it.  So I crashed into his Green Gadget, grabbing my second Tomato to run over his Red Gadget.  I ended at that, and he used Smashing Ground to destroy my Tomato, then summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh, which I banished with Bottomless Trap Hole.  He ended his turn.  I summoned Spirit Reaper, daring him to use the Solemn Judgment, but he used Effect Veiler instead.  I poked for 300 damage and ended.  He summoned Yellow Gadget, grabbing Green and attacking over my Spirit Reaper.  I summoned T.G. Warwolf, crashing into the Yellow Gadget.  Spirit Reaper ripped the last card (the Green Gadget he had just searched) out of his hand.  In the End Phase, I grabbed a T.G. Striker and ended.  He flipped his bluff Monster Reborn to revive the Green Gadget I discarded and searched Red.  He ran over Spirit Reaper for a little more damage, then Set a Monster.  I summoned Rai-Oh and attacked over the Green Gadget.  I switched my Spirit Reaper to Defense Position and ended.  It turned out that his Set Monster was a Spirit Reaper, and because of that, we were just sitting there for a while.  Eventually, I destroyed his non-Solemn Judgment Set back row with an MST and summoned Mezuki.  I then used Creature Swap to steal his Spirit Reaper and give him my Mezuki.  Rai-Oh ran over the Mezuki, and my Spirit Reaper took a card out of his hand.  He Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and attacked into my Rai-Oh, but I blocked with Dimensional Prison.  I was able to rip the last two cards out of his hand with both Spirit Reapers, then overlay for Leviair and steal his banished Rai-Oh.  He drew Torrential Tribute a little too late and played too conservatively with his Solemn Judgment, so he couldn't deal with the field that I had built.

Round 5: vs Six Samurai

This was my Round 2 opponent from this tournament.  Also, we were the last two undefeated players, so this ended up being the finals.  I offered to split with him, and he accepted.  The winner would decide which box we would get, and we didn't side.

-Duel 1: I went first and Set two back rows.  He summoned Spirit Reaper and attacked.  I was forced to block with Book of Moon, leaving him to Set three back rows.  I drew and Set Mystic Tomato.  From there, we were just playing the draw-pass-draw-pass game and slowly building up our fields.  Eventually, I flipped my Set T.G. Striker and Sangan, then summoned Goblin Zombie, daring him to use Torrential Tribute.  Instead, he used Grave of the Super Ancient Organism.  I attacked to flip his Spirit Reaper, then ended.  He drew and passed.  I summoned T.G. Warwolf and Synchro Summoned T.G. Wonder Magician to destroy Grave of the Super Ancient Organism.  I then tuned Wonder Magician to Sangan for Scrap Dragon, searching another Striker.  Scrap Dragon's effect destroyed his Spirit Reaper and my Goblin Zombie, letting me search Plaguespreader Zombie.  Scrap Dragon attacked directly and I ended my turn.  He used Dark Hole, then searched Yaichi with Shien's Smoke Signal.  He played two Six Samurai United, then summoned Yaichi and Kizan.  He drew four cards, then used Yaichi's effect on my Set Reinforce Truth, which I Chained to Special Summon X-Saber Pashuul.  He Set one back row and passed.  I summoned Goblin Zombie and Synchro Summoned Brionac.  I searched my third Goblin Zombie, and he flipped another Grave of the Super Ancient Organism.  I revived Zombie Master from my Graveyard with Mezuki's effect and sent my Plaguespreader to the Graveyard from my hand to revive Goblin Zombie.  I Creature Swapped my Goblin Zombie to him, taking his Yaichi.  Zombie Master suicided with his Kizan, and Yaichi ran over the Goblin Zombie, letting me grab my last Zombie, Spirit Reaper.  He played Shien's Dojo and his third Six Samurai United, then summoned Kageki whose effect I Veiled.  He ended his turn, and I summoned Spirit Reaper and overlaid for Leviair.  I detached Spirit Reaper to grab my Mezuki, then attack over his Kageki with the Leviair and Mezuki for game.
-Duel 2: He Synchro Summoned Shi En with Kageki and Kagemusha, then Set two back rows.  I used Striker and Warwolf to make Wonder Magician, which he destroyed with Musakani Magatama.  I drew a Goblin Zombie off of its effect.  I used Dark Hole to bait out Shi En's negation, then used MST to destroy his Double-Edged Sword Technique.  I Special Summoned another Striker and Normal Summoned Goblin Zombie to make Gaia Knight, search another Goblin Zombie, and run over his Shi En.  I Set Call of the Haunted and ended.  He summoned Kageki and Yaichi.  He tried to destroy my Set Call with Yaichi's effect, but I Chained it to revive Warwolf.  He overlaid for Leviathan Dragon, detached an Xyz Material to boost its ATK, then ran over my Warwolf.  He Set a back row and I searched T.G. Striker in the End Phase.  I just ran over his Leviathan Dragon, Set a Mystic Tomato and ended.  He drew and flipped Double-Edged Sword Technique to make Ally of Justice Catastor and destroy my Gaia Knight.  He Set the card he drew and ended.  I drew and ended.  He drew and attacked my Set Mystic Tomato, letting me Special Summon Armageddon Knight and dump Plaguespreader Zombie.  I drew Mezuki and sent it back to the top of my deck for Plaguespreader Zombie, letting me Special Summon it and a Warwolf from my hand.  I made Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, banishing the Shi En from his Graveyard, the Catastor on the field, and the Dark Hole in his hand.  I attacked directly and ended my turn.  He drew and Set a back row, which he flipped when I entered my Battle Phase: Grave of the Super Ancient Organism.  So I Set a Goblin Zombie and ended.  He drew and ended.  I summoned Sangan and attacked with it to drop him to 4100 LP.  He drew, then Special Summoned Elder of the Six Samurai and Kagemusha with Asceticism, letting him make Naturia Beast.  He ran over my Sangan and I searched Effect Veiler.  I summoned it and flipped my Goblin Zombie so that I could make Catastor and search Zombie Master.  Catastor destroyed his Naturia Beast, and in a few turns, the rest of his LP.

So, I went undefeated and won half a box of Photon Shockwave!  I pulled a Gem-Turtle, Number 20: Giga-Brilliant, Wind-Up Hunter, two Thunder End Dragons (one Ultra Rare, one Ultimate Rare, both horrible cards), and Evolzar Dolkka!  It seems as though I got the better half of the box, which is good.  Now, I don't know what I'm going to do with most of these; I don't think that I'll be needing more than one Thunder End Dragon, as if I'd ever need even one.

I may be able to find some use for the Dolkka.  Perhaps I'll be able to get a Laggia next weekend.  If so, I could toss the couple of Duel Terminal Jurrac Guaibas I have in Aki's Gladiator Beast deck and put Laggia and Dolkka in his Extra Deck.  Not a bad idea, since it adds to the control aspect of the deck.  We'd probably have to find room for stuff like Shrink in the deck, though.

So yeah, I'm pretty happy with how today's tournament turned out.  I made some pretty cool plays with my T.G. Zombie deck today, and I'm starting to like the deck again.  What I don't like his how people are going to start siding Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and Chain Disappearance once Inzektors are released.  So, even though T.G. Zombies would have a good match-up against Inzektors in theory, it would be risky to play with all of the Side Deck hate that people will be inadvertently playing.  There's still a couple weeks until that'll matter, so I'll probably play my T.G. Zombies next weekend.


  1. as usual, great tourney report... was just surprised you didn't see thunderking and maxx C all day

  2. @blackwingEX

    The Machina Gadget player did use Thunder King Rai-Oh against me, but I banished it with Bottomless Trap Hole and later stole it with Leviair. Maxx "C", on the other hand, doesn't really bother me. The best they could usually do with it is use it in response to a Trishula play, in which case they'd only draw two cards while Trishula banishes two of their cards. It and Effect Veiler don't do much to this deck, which is one of the reasons why I chose to use T.G. Zombies at the beginning of the format.


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