Friday, October 14, 2011

Dark Worlds Next Week

So, seeing as how the Dark World Structure Deck comes out on Tuesday, tomorrow's tournament is going to be pretty pointless. Either way, I'm trying to figure out what to do next weekend when Dark Worlds are legal.

From testing out the deck a little bit, I feel that it's too combo-oriented to be consistent. Grapha is broken, but what really drives the deck is The Gates of Dark World. If you don't draw it, you won't be able to do much; it provides a constant discard outlet, which is what the deck really needed. This is amplified in the mirror match, where you can't use the discard outlets that make both players discard, so all you get is Gates and Lightning.

Because of all of that, I don't really want to play the deck competitively. The only way I'd consider using it is if I were to side into Stun for the mirror match and the Stun match-up, siding out Graphas and Dragged Down to render their Side Deck cards useless. I don't know how well this would work, but it might be difficult to figure out exactly how to build the deck to make this strategy effective.

If I can make this type of Dark World deck effectively, then it should be able to do pretty well, even without Tour Guide and Fabled Raven. However, if I can't, I'll have to learn how to deal with them in other ways.

Supposedly, they're easy to Side Deck against... The thing is that everyone in the OCG seems to feel obligated to run three Gemini Imps to protect themselves from Dragged Down. They're running a full three cards to stop as few as three cards in the opponent's deck. They may expect Dark World players to side in Dark World Dealings, but that's not a sure thing.

Besides that, Crevice Into the Different Dimension and Spell/Trap Destruction seem good. Banishing Grapha and destroying Gates are the most important things you can do to halt Dark Worlds. While Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and Dimensional Fissure are decent, Mystical Space Typhoon destroys them too easily, and most decks can't use them. However, Closed Forest may become viable again...

So yeah, I'll have to learn to deal with Dark Worlds, but either way, I'm probably going to switch decks after this week. I just think that my T.G. Zombies can't do that well against Dark Worlds... So, I'll have to figure out a deck that can...


  1. crevice vs d.d. crow? which is better?

  2. @Anonymous

    I like Crevice more against Dark Worlds since it is chainable (you could easily chain it to Grapha's destruction effect and laugh at them) and banishes two of their Darks.

  3. they side imps in japan for sabers
    run zero reqium ddt turbo!


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