Tuesday, March 22, 2011

YCS Charlotte

The distribution for the Top 32 was as follows:

9 - Gravekeeper's
4 - Six Samurai
4 - Hero Beat
3 - Fish OTK
2 - X-Sabers
2 - (Chaos) Plant Synchro
2 - Dragunities
1 - Karakuri Machina Plants
1 - Flamvellsworn
1 - Empty Jar
1 - Stun ("Anti-Monster")
1 - Blackwings
1 - Frog Monarchs

From there, the Top 16 turned out to be:

4 - Gravekeeper's
2 - Six Samurai
2 - Fish OTK
2 - X-Sabers
1 - Hero Beat
1 - Chaos Plant Synchro
1 - Dragunities
1 - Karakuri Machina Plants
1 - Flamvellsworn
1 - Empty Jar

And the Top 8:

2 - Six Samurai
2 - Fish OTK
1 - Gravekeeper's
1 - X-Sabers
1 - Flamvellsworn
1 - Empty Jar

The Top 4 consisted of Six Samurai, Fish OTK, X-Sabers, and Empty Jar. And we should all know what happened from there. Six Samurai beat Empty Jar, then proceeded to beat Fish OTK in the finals.

So, Gravekeeper's had a notable plurality in the Top 32 (that means it had the most spots compared to each other deck, but didn't have a majority (50%+)). However, five Gravekeeper's decks were lost from the Top 32 to the Top 16, and three were lost between the Top 16 and the Top 8. The last Gravekeeper's deck went on to lose in the Top 8 to Six Samurai. Hopefully this means that more people will play Six Samurai, which would cause less people to play Gravekeeper's. I really don't want to go up against Gravekeeper's and lose to a first turn Royal Tribute.

Also notable is that a decent amount of random OTK-centric decks made the Top 32. Empty Jar, Karakuri Machina Plants, and three Fish OTK decks were there, and four of them made it to the Top 16, three of them to the Top 8, two to the Top 4, and one in the finals. From what I've seen, those decks aren't any more consistent than builds I have previously seen, which means that they probably got lucky and/or their opponents weren't prepared for them. Basically one Effect Veiler shuts them down, and that's even if they get their OTK off. The exception is the Empty Jar deck, since they can Chain Book of Moon/Eclipse to stop your Effect Veiler. In that case, D.D. Crow can stop their Magical Stone Excavation/A Feather of the Phoenix.

Unfortunately, these tops by random OTK-centric decks may encourage people to basically copy these decks in an attempt to get (easy) wins. Oh well, it's better than playing against Gravekeeper's.

The diversity of the format is nice to see, but some of the decks that are emerging worry me. I guess I have two weeks to deal with it before I go to YCS Anaheim. I'm hoping to at least Top 32 with my Scrap Worms deck and stuff. So yeah.


  1. Effect Veiler does not work against Fish otk(at least not all the times)!

    Coelacanth can negate a card's effect that targets him by tributing 1 other Fish-Type monster!

    Most decent Fish players will always have a Fishborg Blaster on the field before they summon their Coelacanth!

    With that being said, it's true that other decks had better chances getting at the Top 32!

    But it's a new and much more balanced format, more decks have chances to succeed plus luck and skill are always a factor to the outcome of a duel!

    I still have my doubts about players choosing Six Samurai over Gravekeeper's!

    Maybe some Duelists will but imo Gravekeeper's is still cheaper if you exclude Pot of Duality!

    I have no problem though if Duelists choose Six Samurai over Gravekeeper's since I hate going against Gravekeeper's as well! (Scrap player as well here >.<)

  2. @MaX

    It's often difficult for the Fish player to use Fishborg Blaster to avoid Effect Veiler like that. If they do discard to revive it, then they're tossing a resource that could aid in OTK'ing you. In that case, you just use Extra Veiler!

    If Gravekeeper's are run without Pot of Duality, then they aren't a threat, unless they open up with a first turn Royal Tribute, which happens even less than if they did have Pot of Duality. Basically, if you know what you're doing, Gravekeeper's without Duality are manageable.

    Just curious, what kind of Scrap build do you use?

  3. Lol Max you're right, they could trib Fishborg to protect Seaking, that's why you veiler the Brionac so that it can't bounce your stuff, or you veiler the Armory Arm so that it can't equip.

  4. A regular one!

    3 Scrap Goblin
    3 Scrap Beast
    3 Scrap Chimera
    1 Scrap Golem (I used to have two but this freaking fat@$$ is such a dead draw - I even side him out usually)
    2 Thunder King Rai-Oh (I admit I stole the idea for Rai-Oh from you XD )
    1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
    1 Tragoedia
    2 Cyber Dragon
    1 Summoner Monk
    1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter (mostly used for mind games, half of my opponents see this and they side in Nobleman while I side out one of my Goblins and most of the times their Noblemans are dead draws)

    2 Scrapyard (I used to run two but I got out one for more protection)
    3 Scrapstorm
    1 Forbidden Chalice (I'm testing it since book of moon got limited)
    1 Royal Oppression (I put this recently for testing, so far it worked good, surprisingly)
    1 Dust Tornado
    1 Solemn Warning (I don't have more and I can't afford to buy/trade another)

    The rest of it are the usual staples mysticals,monster reborn,bottomless,etc.

  5. @LFN

    With Scraps, it's usually more beneficial to use Effect Veiler on Coelacanth, if possible. Living to the next turn would allow for an easy Synchro Summon for Scrap Dragon, which can either destroy Coelacanth with its effect, or ram into it to clear the way for a direct attack.


    I used to like Rai-Oh in Scraps, and I suppose that it's still a good card, but the big letdown was that Rai-Oh did nothing against big Monsters that were already on the field. That's part of the reason why I switched to the Worm engine. Worm Yagan easily bounces Synchros and such.

  6. Bring on the OTK baddies!!! :D Much better than playing against Gravekeeper. Noobs often misplay in setting up OTKs anyways.


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