Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dimensional Prison

It's a good card overall. Protects you from attacks, removes your opponent's stuff from play, doesn't destroy, bla bla.

It even seems to be quite popular in the OCG as a Side Deck card in Vayu Turbo (Graveyard BF) and other decks (which I'm too lazy to look up at the moment). It's easy to see why. Remove pesky Gravekeeper's from play, remove Blackwings from play, remove Neos Alius from play, remove Machina Fortress from play. All-around, really good.

In the TCG, though, it might not be as viable. Gravekeeper's Descendant keeps advantage when tributing Gravekeeper's Recruiter, and Trap Stun is much more popular here, thanks to X-Sabers.

Even, so I'm considering using it in my Main Deck, or at least my Side Deck. Smashing Ground is still good (and still Duel Terminal Rare), but Dimensional Prison removes the Monster from play, which is vital against Gravekeeper's, X-Sabers, Machina Fortress, and Blackwings (to some extent).

However, it's difficult to find room for Dimensional Prison in the Main Deck. Forbidden Chalice allows me to keep that Veiler-like effect while also giving me a viable card against Stun decks. Bottomless Trap Hole is essentially better than Dimensional Prison, because it provides outs to Brionac, Caius, Scrap Dragon, and Breaker the Magical Warrior, which would all cause problems for Dimensional Prison.

That would lead me to use Dimensional Prison in the Side Deck. If that happens, it would most likely take the spot of Smashing Ground. While it's better in the match-ups I described two paragraphs prior, Smashing Ground can be better in other match-ups. Smashing Ground helps much more against X-Sabers, who use Trap Stun, Frog Monarchs, who get rid of your back rows without attacking, and Gladiator Beasts, who also use Trap Stun. Smashing Ground also gets rid of a Defense Position Spirit Reaper or a Judgment Dragon more easily, not that I have to worry as much about those, seeing as how I play Scraps.

If anything, I would move Smashing Grounds to the Main Deck and fill the spots they left in the Side Deck with Dimensional Prisons. It would help against the dreaded Gravekeeper's match-up and stuff, but I'm basically fine against every other match-up.


  1. I'm not a fan of D Prison anymore. It was good in its time, but when stuff like Solemn Warning are running around, it just seems a little pitiful.

    Like you said, BTH does the job better and people have stopped maining that too. Control decks have changed a lot over the past 3 formats.

  2. @Valafar123

    Every control deck at my locals includes multiple Dimensional Prisons.

    What I've been annoyed at is that Solemn Warning and Bottomless Trap Hole do nothing against Monsters that are already on the field. They're not very good top-decks when you're losing.


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