Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek

The Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek looks like it'll be a good one. I don't really care about many of the cards at the moment, besides Dark Simorgh and Level Stealer, but the play mat and T-shirt look awesome.

Looks cool, right? That play mat is basically the only reason I want to go, since I want a new play mat. The shirt would be pretty cool, too, though. If I got it, I would probably wear it every time I go to a tournament.

Supposedly, the shirts and play mats are supposed to be given out randomly, but I'm not sure that will happen at my locals. Whether or not it does, doesn't affect me much. I usually have terrible luck with packs, so I would probably lose in the flight, and the chance of getting one of those randomly is pretty low, so yeah. It would be cool to get one, though...

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