I paid for Aki's entry, so I claimed the right to his packs. So, I ended up getting ten packs and two copies of Noble Knight Artorigus. In those ten packs, I got four holos. Two were bad: Zekt Conversion and Flelf. Two were great: Hieratic Dragon King of Atum and Photon Strike Bounzer! Just pulling the Photon Strike Bounzer made me not care about the rest of the packs. I did pull some decent Commons and Rares, too:
Photon Papilloperative
Gagaga Gardna
Lightray Diabolos
Lightray Grepher
Lightray Daedalus x2
Inzektor Ladybug x2
Flame Tiger
Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
Watttaildragon x3
Hieratic Dragon of Eset x3
Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
Hieratic Dragon of Su
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Hieratic Seal of Banishment
Those are pretty good, better than I expected in fact. That's probably because I got twice as many packs, though...
Regardless, I'm still looking for some Hieratic Commons and Rares, in addition to the holos which I shall buy later. So, if anyone who comes to my locals pulled any of the following cards and would like to trade/sell them to me, let me know:
Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord x2
Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
Hieratic Dragon of Su
Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit x3
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Hieratic Seal of Banishment
And I'm also looking for these holos, though I may just wait to buy singles once the prices go down. But, if you happen to come to my locals and want to trade/sell them to me, then here's the list:
Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb x3
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis x2
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger x3
Hieratic Seal of Reflection x3
So yeah, I'm basically looking for all of the decent Hieratic cards in the set. If I can just get the Commons and Rares from my friends who attended the Sneak Preview, I'd be pretty happy, and I'll just pick up the holos later.
But yeah, besides all that, I just dueled quite a bit, mostly with Yugilo and JB. Many of the duels should be up on Yugilo's channel. There were so many random duels that I can't really remember much from them. I guess you can watch them on Yugilo's channel when he puts them up.
Also, I'm thinking about making a deck profile for my Nordic Diva deck, since quite a few people wanted to see it.
Yeah High Five For Us For Pulling Bounzer xD