Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thoughts on Galactic Overlord

Well, Cardcar D is a Secret Rare.  What a surprise... Other good cards like Photon Strike Bounzer, Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis, and Number 11: Big Eye have also been made Secret Rares, meaning that it'll be quite difficult to get them.  Not to mention that the other Secret Rares in the set are really bad, like Number 7: Lucky Straight...

And now that I think about it, most of the other holos are bad as well.  Number 25: Force Focus, Gaia Dragon, Hieratic Dragon King of Atum, Inzektor Exa-Stag, and Night Beam are good.  Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon,  Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb, and Queen Dragun Djinn are okay, I guess.  The other 40 holos are basically horrible...

At least most of the Hieratics are low rarities, meaning that making a Hieratic deck won't be too difficult.  Unfortunately, the TCG doesn't have Gustaph Max, meaning that the deck isn't going to be very good here.  It can still swarm, but it's not nearly as reliable here.  I understand that Hieratics have seen success in the OCG Asia Format, in which they don't have Gustaph Max.  But, from what I've seen, it's somewhat dependent on drawing the main combo plus Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to banish the first REDMD that you get off of Atum. Otherwise, all you can do is make a Rank 6 Xyz Monster at the cost of two cards, or perhaps summon a Gaia Dragon and another Dragon plus a weakened REDMD.  Now, neither of those things are bad, but if you opponent stops your push, then you lose...

So, a Hieratic deck based more on the Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord.  I'm not so sure about how to do that, but the Seals of Banishment and Reflection seem pretty good.  We'll see what happens, I guess.  Regardless, I'd have to wait for a while to put the deck together, as the pack isn't officially released until next month and I'm not going to waste much money on this...

Inzektor players should be happy that Gruf, now known as Inzektor Ladybug, is still a Common.  Lightrays are also all Rares and under, so that's cool for people who wanted to play them.  Well, it would be if people would play them outside of Lightsworn.  I guess that with the new Priority ruling, Lightsworn are much less threatening.

But yeah, I thought that this set was pretty good at first, but now that I've looked through it more closely, I realize that it's pretty bad... In the TCG at least... I may go to the Sneak Preview with Aki due to the fact that I have nothing much to do this weekend, but we'll see...


  1. Sad face for the Card Car D rarity being changed by Rare to Secret T^T

  2. It's never been a good set.
    this set is only good for the hieratics and random good single cards (the ones you mentioned).
    Konami isn't expecting much of this either, as most of the OCG promo cards & TCG exclusives included are plain bad.

    1. At least it was pretty good for the OCG. They got Cardcar D and Night Beam as Rares, as well as Xyz Monsters of lower rarities.

      But yeah, the TCG version of GAOV is pretty bad. I'll probably just go to the Sneak Preview and buy singles next month or something.

  3. [sarcasm]Wow...what a surprise..Konami going again over the top with the rarity bump?!?

    Nobody expected that![/sarcasm]

    Yeah, more reasons for me to stay away from this set as far as possible!

    Only a few cards I wanted from there and most of them have been bumped up to massive rarities!

    What saddens me is that some will still buy entire boxes just to open the few good holos!

    Let the hype begin....oh that's right, it has began since months ago!

    Card Car D = 150 dollars?

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, apparently a random disk-throwing guy in a weird suit that supposed to be shaped like a bug is a ladybug...

  5. Gaia Dragoon isnt a bad card its a card thats less useful without Gustaph Max for heiro dragons (yes i do say fuck konami's english naming conversion since Evitua into Gishiki,and the Inverz/Verz into Evil/Dark Swarm), yet another card we probably wont get till next year.


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