Saturday, December 10, 2011

Siding Tragoedia

So, I was talking with vadangchoinga a bit about the upcoming Regional, trying to figure out how to fix our decks, and I came up with the idea of siding Tragoedia in my T.G. Zombie deck.

Why not? It deals with the everpresent Thunder King Rai-Oh and provides additional defense, which my deck tends to lack. Tragoedia also provides an easy way of dealing with an early Evolzar Laggia or Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En. It can even steal opponents' Monsters and provide for easy Synchro/Xyz Summons.

I then had to decide on what to take out of my Side Deck for two Tragoedia. Chaos Trap Hole and Tragoedia were going to be sided in against the same match-ups, more or less, so I decided to swap those two. Tragoedia also does more against Dino-Rabbit and Six Samurai than Chaos Trap Hole.

But, Tragoedia is only good early game, and is a dead draw. Chaos Trap Hole can at least function to stop things like Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and Tour Guide from the Underworld instead of just trying to react to them. While my hand is usually full to boost Tragoedia's attack, I wouldn't want to discard many of my Monsters to make use of its effect. I can also make much more explosive plays if I start my turn with an empty field, as opposed to one with Tragoedia left on it.

Chaos Trap Hole actually fulfills an important role in the Dark World match-up, acting as a Solemn Warning that also banishes. But it doesn't do all that much in most match-ups; I would normally only side it for Dark Worlds, Gladiator Beasts, Agent Fairies, and Lightsworn, and it's decent, but not that great.

Tragoedia does provide more aggressive plays for when I side out my Creature Swaps, letting me take my opponent's Monsters. I suppose that I could use it fairly decently late game as well, assuming I have another Monster. I think I'll try it out at tomorrow's tournament and see how it works, since I'm still not completely convinced that it will help.

1 comment:

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with Trago in my Chaos build...sometimes it wins me games, especially against dino rabbit. Then there are the days where I just hate him so much =/

    I still can't decide lol


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