Saturday, January 23, 2010

Black Feather Treasure

So, they're finally getting it. Yeah, Blackwings are getting their own draw card. That's completely fair. That's sarcasm, by the way.

It's not sarcasm if Black Whirlwind gets Limited. If that happens, I'll accept the release of such a card.

Before we get too far into that, let's look at its effect:

"Remove from play 1 'Blackwing' monster in your hand. Draw 2 cards."

Remove from play is good; it means no easy Vayu set-up. The card also has some restrictions:

"During the turn you activated this card, you cannot Special Summon any monsters. You can only activate 1 'Black Feather Treasure' per turn."

Being unable to Special Summon monsters is nice. Shura loses its effect for the turn, no Synchro Summoning, no Vayu, etc.

The whole "you can only play one of these per turn" thing is kind of pointless. I seriously doubt that people would be using more than one per turn if Black Whirlwind got Limited.

So, if Black Whirlwind gets some sort of restriction, then this will give Blackwings a fair way to gain some speed. If Black Whirlwind is untouched, then Konami is crazy...


  1. isnt allure better? or would they run both?

  2. Allure of Darkness is much better, but they would probably want to run both.

    Whether or not Blackwing decks run Black Feather Treasure will most likely depend on Black Whirlwind's place on the upcoming ban list.

  3. true true if i ran bf i would just run reckless greed though


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